MSI GeForce RTX 3080 - Low FPS?

The 3080 literally isn’t phased by MSAAX8, there is a 2-3 fps hit from none to 8x. Lol

Regardless, I had a 5700xt prior to getting my 3080, and the performance increase is huge regardless of not being able to do 144fps @ 3440x1440p at all ultra, all set to max. It’s still getting close…about 100-120 out in the world. 70-80 in densely populated towns.

I knocked it down to a setting of 8 and I can’t notice any visual difference and now hitting 144-150fps with msaax8, x16 anti, etc. I believe the only difference in the setting from 8-10 is the liquid detail from what I could tell.

Yeah populated areas just suck

Just curious - what kind of numbers were you seeing on the 5700xt (and on what setting)? I’d like to understand how much of an improvement you’re seeing. Thanks!

ill have to turn off the fps limit to see, i had it capped at 80 fps. Will get back later

Thanks, but I was hoping to get those numbers from the OP to compare ‘apples to apples’ with his upgrade. :slight_smile:

I tend to float around 110-120fps out in the world on my MSI 1080. Not sure if/when I’ll jump to a 3080.

Oh sorry for some reason my mind kinda just saw the R in Reshka an thought that was me.

Nothing is over heating?

WoW isn’t great at utilizing numerous CPU cores like many games. So just looking at total utilization is gong to be misleading. Dig into the few cores the game is taxing.

I also have a 3440x1440p monitor. I use a 2080 Super and 8700K OC to 4.8ghz- my settings are on 7/ultra and i get my max fps (120) in open world and instances and about 60-80 in heavily dense areas. I still feel like your 3080 should be performing better?

My system and results are similar to yours except I have a 1080ti and my 8700k is at 4.7ghz. I would hope the new 3080 would be able to beat us with ease. I can only assume there is something in the setup causing the slower results.

Nothing is overheating, temps are gravy. I’m going to post this in the tech support forum and also reference this thread and see if blizz comes up with anything or anyone else.

Created a new discussion in in tech support:

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I have the same issue, Asus TUF 3080 and running in Nya at setting 7 i get 40FPS, my 2080TI was getting an easy 70-80. Something isn’t making sense, everythings up to date, the GPU temps are amazingly low.
I have been monitoring my CPU cores, I have an 8700K and am noticing 1 core averaging 80% utilization, So that might be causing it.

I can confirm CPU bottleneck. Get Ryzen 5600X and it will give you more boost. WoW loves CPU IPC (Instructions per clock) and clock speed more than cores.

Are you using Elvui? that kills the FPS for me speically in big areas/dungeons. I’ve noticed that with Blizzard default UI I get 100 fps on my 100hz monitor while standing in Dungeons/raid but when I use Elvui I drop to 65fps which losses almost -40 fps.

Same goes for Weakaura.

That’s just my own experience tho, nothing serious or sure … try it.

seems low, try disabling the all core OC. Your boost clocks should be 200-300mhz higher on lightly threaded loads if you just let Precision boost2 work. (not pbo)

Also confirm XMP/DOCP is enabled for your ram.

So I just wanted to follow up on my previous post.

I ended up checking my bios and all my clock settings reset. My memory was running at 2133 and it’s 3200MHZ memory, I re-enabled all my XMP profiles and then also OC’ed my CPU by 500Mhz and am now getting steady 80+ FPS in all zones even in 20 player raid.

So, ended up being underclocked system issues. It runs great now.


I see you got a fix going already but for anyone else that has this question in the future. Another thing to check is make sure you dont have Vertical sync enabled. My 3090 was doing horrific things with it on and bring view distance down to 7. went from being weirdly hard stuck at 68 fps (i have a 1440p 144hz monitor no idea why vert sync was capping me at 60) now running 115-160fps with a 200 resolution scale going.

Not sure why this did not came up earlier , people tend to forget wow is a lot more cpu dependant for example going from a 1080ti to a 3080 would almost have no impact on fps


Maybe this is just my old man side talking, but I find this to be a kind of dirtbag practice. Yeah, there are 30 day return policies, but it seems kind of crappy to buy something with the intention of returning it. Just saying.

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it is what it is, I’m not sad for any billionaire companies, lol.

I ended up upgrading from my 3600x to a 3900x as well, it seems to have improved quite a bit.

I’m regularly getting 150+fps in zones with RTX on High and all 10+ ultra settings. The latest rounds of driver updates have helped a ton.

Looking forward to the expansion.