Mr/Mrs Moon Guard competition should be organized

Folks! Moon Guard is ready!

I was just on the pvp forums and someone was all RP PvP this-that Mr Moonguard, something something, angry forum sounds when responding.

And that got me thinking.

Is there a Mr Moon Guard contest? What about Mrs Moon Guard?

If not, why is this not a thing?

I mean, what if someone said to you, well Mr/Mrs Moonguard, dismissive something, you could reply, for example: I was runner up in 2025 Mr/Mrs Moon Guard competition, in fact winning the xyz category!

There would be fierce competition: from xmog, to talent, to dancing…okay maybe not dancing. But you get the idea. Lot’s of strutting and the winner is crowned for the year. Could get a small entourage for events etc.

Lovely, idea. I mentioned in the post I’d suggest it here. And so I have! I wish I were an organizer, but alas! I am not. Perhaps some reader(s) here have such skills and are looking for a fun project to set up?

If not, no woirries, I got some good chuckles out of the idea. What if I was Mr Moon Guard? Never happen, but funny thought.

MG best server, confirmed!

Have fun y’all.

No. There’s plenty of other popularity contests on this server, we do not need another one.


We started Mr. Moonguard back in Legion. We stopped because I kept winning every year, and not because someone was accused of using performance enhancing supplements.

Beefknob LLC’s new proprietary blend is just as effective as the good ole days, and virtually undetectable by dark magic.


lol Meatslab. I’m chuckling!

Also, I figured something like that Halandor and just through it out anyway.

All fun, all good.

Let’s be honest…I would win Mr. Moonguard, people throw money at it when I take off a shirt. Gotta leave em wanting MORE. The problem is too many people show the goods constantly and don’t leave it up to folks’ imaginations.

Well it looks like we have at least 2 contenders!

It’s a start.

Only one can be Mr/Mrs Moon Guard…who would it be?

Technically I can be both XD. turns into a hot fem Lightforged Draenei “Waggle waggle waggle”

we all know mrs moon guard would be a void elf.

Looks around the stadium, hears the roar of the crowds.

Picks up the mic.

And a third competitor steps up folks!

Competion is heating up.

I can feel the tension building!

Why would you want to name someone after me?

I am Moon Guard after all. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding. But we can sell tickets soon.