Folks! Moon Guard is ready!
I was just on the pvp forums and someone was all RP PvP this-that Mr Moonguard, something something, angry forum sounds when responding.
And that got me thinking.
Is there a Mr Moon Guard contest? What about Mrs Moon Guard?
If not, why is this not a thing?
I mean, what if someone said to you, well Mr/Mrs Moonguard, dismissive something, you could reply, for example: I was runner up in 2025 Mr/Mrs Moon Guard competition, in fact winning the xyz category!
There would be fierce competition: from xmog, to talent, to dancing…okay maybe not dancing. But you get the idea. Lot’s of strutting and the winner is crowned for the year. Could get a small entourage for events etc.
Lovely, idea. I mentioned in the post I’d suggest it here. And so I have! I wish I were an organizer, but alas! I am not. Perhaps some reader(s) here have such skills and are looking for a fun project to set up?
If not, no woirries, I got some good chuckles out of the idea. What if I was Mr Moon Guard? Never happen, but funny thought.
MG best server, confirmed!
Have fun y’all.