Mr T needs to come back to WOW

does he still play

do the celebrities play the game in 2022?

I’d be curious to know that too!

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Chuck Norris’s tears can raise the dead.

The trouble is Chuck never cries.

Mila Kunis and Seth Green are supposed to be still active. As well as Kyle and Jack Black have a guild on one of the RP servers.

I would say after Lemmy died (Motorhead, he played a gnome warrior - the old cosmetic upgrade and level boost videos are homage to him and his gnome, cause no one would suspect a metal legend play a gnome).

A large chunk of the other known celebs kinda left with the winds and probably gone or laying low.


Who wouldn’t want to be an attack helicopter? Outside of a warthog, they are the best CAS there is.


How cool is that right?! Any idea what the guild name is?

And those gnome videos are awesome beyond words. Blizz needs to make more fun commercials like this. They’re always a huge win.


As much as I know it is given out in some form of weird code in a few of their youtube videos, cause why not.

My understanding is Lemmy (Motorhead) wanted Lemmy (Gnome) to not just be a throwaway NPC in the game he wanted everyone to see his gnome and his eventual epic stash.

As well apparently one other members of Motorhead/Family got the same treatment for their character Krazzel; though no one of the band/Family has officially claimed it, and only smiles and laughs when asked.

As well used for Mischief Promo

Very much so. Despite being cash grabs, they held a level of charm that showed they cared, no matter how cheap or cheesy it was.

They currently have a prime opportunity to bring back Lemmy and Krazzel’s comical feud with cross faction grouping.

Start off with them in WM 1v1 each other and both accept invite to a Dungeon / Raid. Both get summoned / ported to area and then they attempt to out do each other on the damage meters, to eventually be beaten by say a Vulpera, and return back to their feud and get kicked by the party and ultimately be chased by random boss before logo appears.

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Every Ream I play on, I have a Arcane Mage in honor of Vern Troyer. I miss that guy. RIP.


strong lamps or chairs, and every now and then, a strong wheelbarrow

AH! they knew how to do marketing back in the days. good ads and decent customer support.

how things change heh


so you want a vern head or outfit?

I do not see any of this coming back. It fun. Blizzard hates fun.

Honestly, they should make it a micro-holiday :joy:

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Save Dragonflight, bring back the Mohawk grenade!

yOu cAnT hAvE mR. t hEaDs bEcAuSe i eArNeD tHoSe mEmOrieS aNd tO gIvE tHeM oUt nOw wOuLd bE aN iNsUlT tO mY eFfOrT!!!1!!

what do you mean

Its a play on items not being available in-game because they were discontinued

so bring it back - no longer discountinued

he said he has hundred’s to sell