Moving the Kaldorei off Kalimdor completes the Horde's attempt at genocide instead of safeguarding against it

Under the Highborne they didn’t make people move to their island to share a bond with them, THEY MOVED TO A KALDOREI CITY THEMSELVES INSTEAD. The greens barely have any real connection to those lands, they only live in the minor forested regions, and lore until DF said their homeland was the Dream.

At best, all justifications for this fall apart when held up to the settings history.


I’m sorry, but this isn’t really something that I think is a valid argument.

Don’t get me wrong, I know where it comes from, and it has a grain of truth to it.
But that grain of truth is “We currently hate them but don’t want to, so we’re trying to write them in an interesting way to us”.

They keep making fundamental, core changes to the race that don’t need to be made, and wouldn’t be made by people who like the race.

By virtue of trying to change the race, they’ve said they don’t like what it was.

And they’ve done this for everything.

Homeland, culture, religion. Every step of the way, down to every granular detail, Blizzard has changed things.

And I do appreciate their effort to try and invest themselves into the race, I think it’s been a disaster and it’s been willfully malicious in a lot of cases.


I mean clearly blizzard hates nelves, i mean look at how the forsaken are treated from shadowlands to DF and night elves, its clear which one they care about more


Yeah, people seem to ignore all the other bad writing in the game to have this victim complex. As if most events don’t garner some sort of complaints.

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Nobody ignores the other treatments when they’re bad, they just have no reason to be brought up because everyone here already knows about them.

Conversely, it is entirely fair to point out how even when getting content AT THE SAME TIME, a group like Forsaken or Orcs gets a fleshed out and fantasy fullfilling heritage story. Night Elves get something awful. Oh sure, they get a patch after- and within that entire patch, 0 of their fantasy is fulfilled, and actively destroyed.

Pretending everyone who thinks NEs get handled poorly actually think everyone else has it fine overall is silly. I think literally the entire setting sucks, and it just so happens that blizzards fixation on trying to milk the unique aesthetic design or niches of NE’s for easy content screws us over often. I am half expecting the next xpac to fill dwarf lore with the stupid “THIS IS NOT ORDER!!!” personality of Aman’thul now.


Everything else is fine? No.
Exaggerating good things others have, exaggerating their own negatives, yeah.

Everything generally sucks. It isn’t unique to any race. Like I don’t know what good, fulfilling Orc and Forsaken stuff that came out, all seems pretty meh to me.

Seems like a you problem then.


Orc and Forsaken Heritage quests are reportedly top Notch.

It just takes them being the battering rams of entire expansions to get there.

So…maybe the Night elves get a W somewhere off around the corner that Lore Hounds can get behind at some point.

Forsaken’s is a whole lot of nothing tbf.

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No, Orc one is an absolute gem, Forsaken one is whatev tier.

The complaint about Amirdrassil’s location is 100% valid but damn. I am so glad that pain of a storyline that ran over the course of 3 expansions is finally over. May the entire World Soul saga"s MSQ be devoid of any significant Nelf involvement cuz I frankly can’t take it anymore.


We can’t take it either.


I’m sorry, where were the Forsaken during the literal Death expansion ? Cuz all I saw was freaking Nelves. Actually all I’ve been seeing ever since WoD ended is freaking Nelves everywhere, everytime, with zones for themselves on every new continent and plot relevance in every narrative context.


Nelves were prevalent in WoD, too.


While this might be valid, I ask you to keep the thread focused on what’s happening with Amirdrassil. I hope this gets some traction in the community and Blizzard addresses it somehow.


Though if it does end up on the Isles, the Kaldorei will actually have an EASIER time reinforcing their ancestral lands via the dream portals. Which would make things easier for them, not harder to protect.

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Canonically, entering the Dream, even through a portal, is a VERY taxing process for those who aren’t trained druids. Also, they don’t need Amirdrassil to defend their holdings in Northern Kalimdor. Nordrassil IS their connection to the Dream. Nordrassil was blessed to allow them access to the dream. The Hjyal Dreamway portal is the only one in Northern Kalimdor. So having a portal near Amirdrassil is actually less efficient than just keeping their civilization settled around Hyjal to begin with.

For what you’re saying to make sense, there would need to be portals scattered throughout Northern Kalimdor and then somehow that would need to make more sense than just connecting those portals to Nordrassil instead.


being in the story is a bad thing at this point lol

Also imagine being so into playing the victim, that you are actually complaining that your favorite thing wasnt in the worse xpac ever made, I would trade anything for nelves to be removed from shadowlands story


I just got through the quests and saw a bunch of bloody Nelf corpses while they were working towards summoning everyone else. I thought it was a bit too on the nose, but it really shows where the priorities are.



They already have the next 3 expansions planned my guy, some community post isn’t going to do anything. Whatever they have planned is happening and there’s no stopping it.

… they are at war and fighting, no f*** there are going to be “bloody corpses”.
The others at least have an argument, this is just a blatant strawman.