Moving the FPS display

So, I used to use this cool macro the internet spits out, which google actually does continue to turn up in many forums (thanks to the original author, whoever you are <3):

/run FramerateLabel:ClearAllPoints() FramerateText:ClearAllPoints() FramerateLabel:SetPoint(“RIGHT”,UIParent,“CENTER”,X,Y) FramerateText:SetPoint(“LEFT”,FramerateLabel,“RIGHT”) ToggleFramerate()

But at some point this stopped working :frowning:
Does some clever person know how to make this or something like it work again? I like not having to use an addon and just being able to feed in my desired X,Y values…

/run local f = FramerateFrame f.Label:ClearAllPoints() f.FramerateText:ClearAllPoints() f.Label:SetPoint("RIGHT",UIParent,"CENTER",X,Y) f.FramerateText:SetPoint("LEFT",f.Label,"RIGHT") f:Toggle()

My Hero <3