Movin Wrath Classic to Cata and removing Wrath Classic does NOT make Story Sense

Just like in Retail when you do Cata it removes the ENTIRE story from Vanilla/BC/Wrath as Cata Leveling takes place AFTER killing the Lich King. So by having BC/Wrath for leveling ruins or fragments the story (I felt that when Cata was originally released). So by changing the vanilla to the Cata Leveling you delete part of the story.

As someone who loves story and have played since the original WoW Beta I have had a issue with even when I am leveling a new character as I play characters not the game. Please leave Wrath realms up and change that you will NOT Segment the community in any way but leave options for immersion players (what I call myself) or role-player as this is a mmoRPG don’t forget the RPG not just from mechanics but STORY.


there is absolutely nothing “classic” about Cata as it rips the world in two, changes the leveling experience, ruins talent trees killing hybrid specs & choice in how one wants to talent their character

blizz is only doing it for $$ as they make tons of $$ on boosts- they don’t actively stop bots because they paid for boosts or account subscriptions…

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They actually don’t.

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Well the more subs they have, the more revenue they make so they really don’t give a damn if the account is botting or not
making 10s of millions of boosts anyways

They literally don’t make revenue from botters. You didn’t read what I posted.

When a botter buys a sub/boost, it literally goes to Blizzard’s pocket. I don’t care how many times that clown’s propaganda is quoted. Blizzard profits from bots.


Yuppers, back in original Wrath they would hunt them down & ban them…back when they actually had GMs…and customer support

the more bots, the more subs the more $$ for blizz
they don’t even care about people scripting in arena either

… Until the charge backs come in.

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