I dragged the entire WoW folder out of (x86) on my hard drive onto my SSD last night and I have had no luck in getting the launcher to acknowledge that the game is in there. All it says is that the game isn’t the correct version and just re-paths back into the folder the game doesn’t exist in anymore. I’m not really sure how to fix it
I’m not sure if you checked this page out, but try this.
Unfortunately neither of those worked(just tried the official Blizz one and that reddit one last night). I think I just gotta go the re-install route.
Did you try these steps ?
You shouldn’t have to re-install. I did the same thing and it worked fine. I don’t remember what configurations I had to change. I did drop a shortcut in the Program Files folder to the new location.
Good luck.
Trust me, yeah. I did these as well. I tried everything I could see and couldn’t get it to work. Reinstalled B-net as well before I caved and re-installed the game itself which tbh, only took about 30 minutes so I just wish I did that to begin with personally lmao.
You just can’t in a normal win10 install drag a folder out of x86 and expect it to work. You are likely having an access privledge escalation issue. the easiest test is to right click on the battle.net icon and run as administrator. Then point it to that folder. if that works, you can then either just setup the bnet launcher to run as administrator, or fix the privledges. When you pulled out the folder in to the new SSD, it still retained it’s security settings from when it was where it was, you have to manually take ownership of the container and it’s contents. That way the application you run as a non administrator, can access the content at the level you are currently at.
or, just reinstall the game in the new drive.
Over the many years I’ve hung around this forum dragging the folder over is never an issue except when it is. Which occurs more often than you would think. Best policy is new install.
You might save your old WTF if you have a lot of addon configurations - then insert that into the new install. Even there if you don’t really need to then don’t bother. Start from scratch
I know. Which is why I was confused because the privilege’s are the same and most people are of the mind that WoW can easily be moved and drug around but I’ve never had luck with it. So yeah. Privilege’s and admin didn’t work, just reinstalled.
Usually us Techies run elevated most of the time so we don’t notice it. With Win 10 came a lot of changes to the way the machine is configured right from a fresh install.
I know I run around changing access settings and elevating my self to the point I need to work efficiently. WHile still retaining a lot of the new security features.
A normal win 10 install today the main user does not run elevated without UAC stepping in and asking 3 to 4 times for elevation. What goes unnoticed is that by default windows removes the ability for some apps to ask for elevation, and they don’t know to ask for it.
Like now, whenever people see an icon on the desktop or anywhere and it has a shield, that means that program when it runs, runs in an elevated state.
My win 10 install now, is still my old Vista, which upgraded to windows 8 then 8.1 then Windows 10. So my current install is several years old on my main PC.
On all my other machines, that I use for other task the new security system is in your face, constantly reminding me, what I can, can;t, and shouldn’t do. The most ridiculous thing I have recently run into is Applications that are coded to run on a windows OS. Doesn’t matter which. They aren’t aware of the way windows 10 handles programs. SO the apps behave as if it’s just one single user on the machine.
Prime annoyance recently was Overwolf, which the new Curseforge runs on. (Yes i know I know, bloatware, to run more inefficient bloatware)
Curse Forge and Overwolf don’t make a distinction between Computer user accounts. So when I tried using it on my sons account to load addons for one of his games, it kept trying to write to my Directory, for addon downloads, and his game kept Looking at the games default directory for the content. It was an annoying endeavour, trying to get him an install that won’t interfere with my installs settings and saves.
Developers need to get it together and understand that machines can have more than one user, and when software is installed it should ask to put it in a neutral place where is can be read and their settings, saves, and configs stored in their directory.
Lots of games that allow addons have this issue.