Move Tooltip?

I want to be able to move the tooltip, it sits right over where I put the minimap. But all the updated addons don’t have a move function, and Move Anything still seems to be very buggy.

I don’t want any added functions, just the ability to hold shift and move and have it stay in place. If someone could tell me what the code is for that I would be very appreciative. :slight_smile:

Achieving the “shift-click” moving and remembering the position is a bit complicated.
A fast solution would be to enter this line of code into the chat console:

/run hooksecurefunc("GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor", function(tooltip) tooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -500, 500) end)

Experiment with the values -500 and 500 until you have the tooltip in a position you like.
You then have to run this line every time you reload the UI. It could also be put in a macro. Or to have it run automatically, put it (without the /run) in an addon e.g. using this addon generator:


I know you said you didnt want any other function, and if your MoveAnything is buggy (it shouldnt be, so probably delete addon and re-download) then you might need to pickup another Tooltip addon to move the anchor. If you are using a UI upgrade like Elvui, it has a tooltip section to modify/move it, but you can get a few others like TipTac to move/resize.

Bonus part of using an addon to do it, you wont have to re-move and anchor it each reload/relog.

The problem with tiptac and tinytooltip is that they haven’t been updated in so long and they keep tossing up backdrop errors. I’d be using them otherwise… I’ll try move anything again.

I didn’t want to use elvui because I like a rather minimalist ui without having to spend an hour getting everything the way I like.

You can import ElvUI profiles from