Why do you keep saying this as if I am pretending to be on a “second account” its the same account and that is my alt character man, I am not hiding that stop acting like you are a detective its embarrassing. I use that alt to sometimes ‘bump’ important threads because there aren’t many shamans around to keep discussions going outside of the shaman tank thread one. I do this for my own threads and other peoples when important ideas come up. I talk the exact same way, I make it obvious its me.
As for the rest of what you are saying, I dont disagree that the Stormweaver suggestion was bad. Thats probably not the solution. If they wanted to they could just put that in the spec tree in place of Improved Maelstrom weapon and make that baked in baseline. But I dont really think this needs to happen if Burrow became a class tree talent.
The point that I think you are missing about Burrow is that the goal is to solve the issue for both PvErs and PvPers at the same time. Giving us 2 charges of Wall does not really fix the issue of having our honor talents bloated with extremely good defensives, which take up spots from other talents ie utility and dps talents, and even other defensive talents. Example being Burrow is basically permanently taken, grounding usually is as well since it is also an insanely strong defensive utility button, that leaves us with 1 talent spot for Static charge totem/totem of wrath/stormweaver/shamanism. So we are choosing between a utility spell, a really good defensive spell and 2 really good dps spells, which feels kinda bad.
If you go through any other specs honor talents, you will not find a single defensive as strong as Burrow aside from Blessing of Spellwarding, but again that is a replacement for physical immunity they get in the class tree, so it is not always needed. Burrow being in our honor talents is like Ice block being in honor talents, its a bit ridiculous.
You keep spouting off about toxic waste ideas or whatever while claiming PvPers are stupid while completely missing the point of the post. Though I do agree that I would not mind defensive options coming in the form of sustain like AG was, but you keep talking about “re adding AG” as if they will actually listen to that, they’ve been trying to kill it for years and it was obviously something they view as too easy and too good for Ele/Enh. Maybe come up with a less useless suggestion if you are going to criticize mine I would not mind hearing something useful.