Mouseover / tooltip / castsequence

Hello Great And Wise Macro Form!

Y’all helped me greatly when I returned to the game last year. Now I’m playing a shaman, and trying to get the following to work correctly and I have a very small problem, and a slightly more pressing problem.

#showtooltip Flame Shock
/castsequence reset=6 [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Flame Shock, Frost Shock

my general plan is to cast Flame Shock either as a mouseover or on my target directly. Then I’d like to be able to spam Frost shock while the Flame Shock cooldown is happening.

I would ideally like this to happen on my target if I am not mousing over another target.

I like the idea of putting a dot (Frost Shock) on various mobs using my mouse. As it is now, the macro only casts the Flame, and then the Frost and waits for the Flame cooldown to finish.

I am pretty sure there is a much better way to accomplish this, but my google searching skills might not be adequate.

Oh, and the “small problem” is I am using the “?” icon, but it will only show the Flame Shock icon because I have added the #showtooltip. I would love it if the icon would change depending on which spell was available to cast next. This is not a deal breaker, however, as I know how its supposed to work.

My eternal gratitude for any assistance. /cheers!

You’ve just got stuff in the wrong order and you’ve hard declared the tooltip.

/castsequence [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] reset=6 Flame Shock, Frost Shock
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The best way to handle it is to not use a castsequence, because as you noted, it will lock you out once it cycles around to Flame Shock when it’s on cooldown. The two best solutions are to use two separate keybinds or use a modifier key for one of them.

/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:shift]Flame Shock,[@mouseover,harm,nodead] []  Frost Shock

If you want to stick to the castsequence, then you’ll need to add in as many frost shocks as you can fit during the flame shock cooldown. I’d also recommend putting in a modifier reset so you can hard reset back to flame shock if it comes up before you’ve finished using all the frost shocks.

/castsequence [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] reset=6/shift Flame Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock
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I sure do appreciate the quick replies! I am going to try these ideas and see what works best for me. I am not very good at multiple key combos, so alt-1 is kind of difficult for me.

What is the hard reset? is that the “/shift”? So clicking shift would reset the macro?

Very interesting stuff. You guys are so darn smart!

Yup. If you hold down shift while using the keybind for the macro it will start the sequence over. You can have multiple reset conditions separated by /. So, if you didn’t need the timer reset, you’d just use reset=shift instead of reset=6/shift. You can also use the ctrl or alt modifiers instead.

As a note: keybinds will override macro uses of them. (Either in conditionals or reset criteria.) So, if you use modifiers in macros, make sure you don’t have any conflicts in your keybind settings. For example, by default, shift-1 to shift-6 are bound to action bar swapping. So, if you put the macro on a key from 1 to 6, you’d either need to unbind those keys in the keybind settings or use a different conditional.

That’s not how castsequence works. “/castsequence 1,2” will 1,2 then restart 1, 2 restart 1, 2 etc… The “reset” is how many seconds of not attempting to execute the macro (true dead time) before the sequence just resets on its own. If something can’t be cast (like its on cooldown), it just locks up the sequence at itself until it can be cast. castsequence will not skip it and cast the next thing.

There are no macro’s in wow that will “do x until y is off cooldown”

You are better off just doing this:

/cast [mod,@mouseover,harm,nodead][mod] Flame Shock; Frost Shock

It casts Frost shock by default, but will cast Flame Shock if you are holding down a modifier key (ctrl, alt, shift – whatever is not keybound to a game function). And you’ll need to make the decision to use flame shock on your own.

Might as well add mouseover support to frost shock too.

/cast [mod,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod] Flame Shock; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Frost Shock

Thanks guys! All of this is educational for me.

So far, Udiza’s castsequence is working how I need it to, but now I’m playing with the shift reset business.

I try to keybind as much as I can, but because of my hands, i can’t really manage more than the shift key as a modifier with my 1,2,3, etc. and I have trouble going further than 5 without a little pain. So, this is why I am trying to combine as many spells as I can on my basic 5 keys
(well plus the WADS and a few in the area)

actually, alt- is not too bad. I did that for a /cast hex on my focus target. Still I believe the castsequence is working well. Just trying to see how the shift reset will work out

I don’t use 1,2,3, ect for my main keybindings as I have trouble reaching them comfortably. For example, my main “spam” abilities are on R, T, F, and A which are a lot easier for me to hit. (Although A is akward with modifiers, so I use stuff that doesn’t need them on that key.) Which keys are best are going to depend on how your movement keys are set up, but don’t feel locked into the default if it’s not comfortable.

I use a bit of an oddball setup for movement, mostly designed to maximize the easy to hit keys for spell. I use S for forward, X for backpedal (it’s okay that it’s awkward because I shouldn’t be using it much!) Z for down/sit, and E and D for strafe. The strafe keys took a while to get the muscle memory down for, but that setup means that for the most part, all of my movement is handled by 2 fingers (+thumb for jump) giving my pinky and index finger full freedom for other keybinds. As a note, that setup doesn’t work on all keyboards, when I using the membrane keyboard that came with my mac, some of the combinations caused ghosting issues for me.

You might also want to consider an MMO mouse as all the extra buttons can help minimize modifier use. I use the logitech G600, which seems to be holding up pretty well after 5 years of use. It’s also one of the more reasonably priced options in the MMO mouse category. (Although sometimes the software makes me want to tear my hair out.)

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I’ve used a Logitech G13 (now, sadly out of production), a Razer Tartarus, and an Azeron Classic (truly the oddball of the bunch) for better control with less impact on my arthritis.

Those are all left-hand devices (not ‘devices for left-handers’ - ‘devices that you use with your left hand’).

For my right hand I’ve used and recommend the Logitech G600 - arguably the best MMO mouse in the world but if you want something with a more claw grip, the Swiftpoint Z mouse is good (I’m currently using one of those, but I have the G600 as a backup).

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These are some very thoughtful posts. Thank you for the rundown on your more comfortable set up, Udiza. I can very much appreciate that.

The mouse/device recommendations are something I will look into, Phodge.

Thanks guys!

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