Mouseover priority over target, help please - classic

Hey all,

Trying to make a hunter pet attack macro that attacks mouseover on priority and if there’s no mouseover it attacks your target.

Any help would be really appreciated :slight_smile:

/petattack [@mouseover,harm,nodead []

You’re better off combining it with an ability though.

This is the macro I use in Classic. (Basically, it does the mouseover targetting with a target fallback, but lets me add in special stuff with modifiers.) It lets me cast Dive with Shift, BW with Alt, and both with Ctrl. (Also, using both shift and alt will also cast both, but that’s harder to hit.)

/cast [mod:shift][mod:ctrl]Dive
/cast [mod:alt][mod:ctrl]Bestial Wrath
/petattack [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]

I don’t like macroing my main pet target macro with my abilities in Classic, as I’m regularly swapping the pet to a target other than what I’m on, and don’t want those swaps tied to ability usage. (Especially as I don’t want to clip an autoshot just because I’m swapping my pet’s target.)

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You can optimize that a smidge:

/cast [mod:shift/ctrl]Dive
/cast [mod:alt/ctrl]Bestial Wrath
/petattack [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]