Mouseover macros / click casting do not work with Evoker skill Spiritbloom hold

Spiritbloom is one of preservation evoker’s core heals and should be cast on a target, whenever I use macros OR set it in click casting it does not let me “Hold down to empower” spiritbloom.

I’m not talking about any addons used here. Base UI.

Please help!


Having the same issue, some spells work with mouseover macro but spiritbloom is telling me spell not learned if i make it into a macro since i primarily heal with mouseover macros this is annoying lol.


im also dealing with this, have you found a resolution?

not for the spirit bloom, some of the others allow me to macro them but that one does not still, even disabled addons and still same issue without it so it has to be a wow macro issue not recognizing the spell. i tried even editing out part of the name (removing bronze/green identifier) when you click it from the the book for the macro it adds those and still didnt work.

For me, the macro tells me the spell is not learned unless Font of Magic is talented. With or without that talent, the macro’s tooltip always shows the 4-level empower version (spell id 382731) and never the 3-level empower version (spell id 367226).


Thank you !! You just solved an issue I’ve been trying to fix for hours now and was really confused why the Starter build was working, but the one I wanted to use was not. The one I wanted to use didn’t have that talent taken. (it does at 70 but not at 60-65ish)

Just to follow up I tried on devastation and the same Font issue is present. If you don’t have Font you can’t use Eternity Surge in a macro. Fire Breath seems to not be affected by this bug.

I wanted to chime in any say that my mouseover macro for Spiritbloom is also not working.

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I’m having the “spell not learned” issue with both Dream Breath and Spiritbloom when using them with a macro.

Logging off and back on seems to fix it (/reload alone does not), but it usually re-appears if I switch specs.

In this simple macro, Dream Breath will say “spell not learned” but Fire Breath will work fine when the issue is present (but after log off and on, both will work fine):

/cast [mod:ctrl] Fire Breath; Dream Breath

(Oh, and I do not have Font of Magic talented)

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I’ll have to try that although I already didn’t have Font talented in the spec I was using in Preservation so swapping to it from Devastation wasn’t working for me. I was doing a lot of other things at the time to test though so I may just not have fully done just a spec swap. That would seem to still be a bug for sure, but at least I can get a 6th essence point back first and pick up Font again as the next talent when DF opens.

I too can not get any macro’d version of Dream Breath or Spiritbloom to work :’(

With the macro, what has worked for me is removing the #showtooltip. Yes, this is annoying as you will be left with question marks in your actionbar unless you’re hovering over a friendly, but it’s a workaround for now

Having the same issue, even without any condition:

/cast Spiritbloom

Does not work at all! It gives the error “spell not learned”

I use Vuhdo and was able to solve the problem by putting the spell ID (367226) in place of the spell name and it now works.


When I make a macro I always shift+click the spell from the spell book and my Spiritbloom macro looks like:

/cast [@mouseover, help, exists, nodead] Spiritbloom(Green);

The mouse over part is working and I don’t have the Font of Magic talent. However, I can’t hold and release to cast I have to press twice just for this ability.


Can’t make macros with empowered spells and the click casting doesn’t work with Spiritbloom. I submitted feedback about this in beta weeks ago and it hasn’t been fixed/addressed. I also submitted feedback when prepatch launched and not addressed. It forces me to manually target a person and then cast spiritbloom rather than being able to mouseover cast it. Very annoying.

Still encountering this bug as of 11/25/22…

edit: the info I provided below was incorrect. I was able to get a mouseover macro to work (using the tap setting, didn’t get a press and hold macro to work)

I’m having this exact issue. cannot hold and release the ability, have to tap again to release when using it in a macro…

This is still an issue