Mouseover macor for Verdant Embrace

I’m trying to create a mouseover macro for Verdant Embrace, but no matter what I do, it doesn’t seem to work.

This is what I have atm:

#showtooltip Verdant Embrace
/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Verdant Embrace

Any ideas?

Coded correctly; only change I’d make is to not hard code the tooltip so it range finds on mouseover correctly.

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Verdant Embrace

Do you have it on your bars?

Yes, it casts if I don’t target anything. It doesn’t cast on mouseover at all (it doesn’t even ‘default’ to cast on self when mousing over an ally).

What keybind do you have it on?

It’s bound to a mouse button (specifically mouse button 5) the self heal works, but not the mouseover. But if I move the macro to another keybind it works fine.

That’s the problem. Unit frames eat mouse clicks. You’ll need to either use Blizz’s built-in click casting tool or an addon like Clique if you want it bound to a mouse button (or remap the mouse button to a keyboard key).

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Ahh, well ty for the info.