Mouseover healing help

so i’m trying to get into mythic + healing, and everyone and their grandma says it’s easier to heal using mouseovers. is there a way to make it so that when i hover over a party frame(im using raid style party frames), it uses the ability via the keybind on my keyboard? im not interested in click casting using mouse 1/2 or anything, and i can’t seem to get the build in mouseover system to work. anyone have a solution?

There is an option to enable mouseover casting in the default UI, but that will enable it for everything, including your non-healing spells which might not be ideal. It’s under Options > Combat > Mouseover Cast. (Check the box for it and leave the modifier option as “none” if you just want it to cast on your mouseover without requiring you to hold down a modifier.)

My preference is to use mouseover macros. There are a couple of useful stickies in the UI and Macro forum. The Macros: Essential Information thread is a great overview of the system and explainer on what it can actually do. The Useful Macro Templates thread has a lot of examples you can use to start building your own macros.

Typing /macro will bring up the interface and you can create you macro. They can then be moved to your action bars on whatever keybinding you want to use. (Be aware that mouseover macros won’t work properly if assigned to mouse buttons like MB3, MB4, or MB5, as frames “eat” clicks and they won’t register. But regular keys will work fine.)

One useful tip: if you shift click a spell in your book while the cursor is active in the macro window, it will fill in the spell name. This cuts down on typos.

Here’s the basic healing macro I use:

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@player]Flash of Light

This one will cast on your mouseover if they are both friendly and alive. Otherwise, it will cast it on yourself. Mouseover conditionals should always have an existence check (help, harm, or exists) or the macro can fail as your mouse is always technically over something. Which one of the three you use depends on if you want to cast the spell on friendly target, enemy targets, or both.

Another popular option:

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help][@player]Flash of Light

This one casts on your mouseover if it’s friendly and alive. If not, then it will cast on your target if they are friendly. If that’s not true either, then it will cast on you. When a conditional block doesn’t specify a unit (such as @mouseover or @player) the game infers it to be your target. So [help] is the same as [@target,help] but uses less characters.

There is also the very simple:

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][]Flash of Light

That just casts on your mouseover if they are friendly and alive. If not, it will use the default casting for the spell. (The empty conditional block [] just tells the game to cast the spell as if you clicked it in the spellbook. So it will obey things like if you have auto self cast enabled.)

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I will add to Udiza’s excellent description that you might also look on YouTube for videos showing people setting up mouseover macros. There are plenty.

Others use the addons Clique or Healbot Continued, which do the setup for you to achieve the same result.

Also, you might consider using the Proving Grounds or Follower Dungeons when setting up your mouseovers, so that you can fiddle with your setup and settings at your own pace.