Mouse/Clicking/Movement Issues

I don’t use add-ons and can’t use my mouse. Also my UI is so freaking huge that it covers chat - which is also freaking huge. Game relatively unplayable.

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Same. No add-ons. Can’t click on anything in mail/bags/bank. Have you found any wisdom?

Same for me. I play on a Mac and mouse is correctly configured, but unusable.

Hi Frangelle

Not sure what is happening with your mouse. First though we can fix the UI issue. Some game settings were defaulted with the patch. Go to the Menu > System > Advanced pane. Look for UI Scale slider - bottom left. Place a check in the box then use the Slider to adjust your UI size.

Now for the mouse issue - you may need to ask over on the Mac Technical forum.

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Ty, Tratt. I wish I could send a screen shot of my Menu > System > Advanced pane. There’s nothing there for user interface. Might is be called something else?

Found it in another spot - UPPER left under advanced Graphics. Now to Mac tech support for mouse issue. Sigh. If it ain’t broken… Thank you for your help.

I’m having a similar issue, except I have the Target Nearest Enemy and Target Previous Enemy functions bound to mouse wheel up/down. If I’m hovering an action bar, it will not change targets if I scroll the mouse wheel in either direction.

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For those who have been posting in this thread with failure to click:

Other issues like scroll wheel binding are not related to the OP’s post. Please start a different thread for that problem.

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