Mouse Turning into 4 Way Arrow on Right Click

This is still happening to me regularly. It happens when I am doing basic things in the game and not even moving my mouse fast or anything like that.

With something that affects the gameplay to such a degree and that is affecting so many players in both Wotlk Classic and in Retail Dragonflight you would think something would be happening to fix it :pensive:

Well Blue Person seems like more and more people are having this issue. I lost an arena Solo Shuffle the other day because of this not fun.

Is bumping allowed on the forums? If so, Blizz, hereā€™s the repro you were looking for. Please look at this. :frowning:

Update from Blizz over on the EU forums:

I am trying this now, turning down my mouse DPI and increasing my mouse pointer speed in Windows to compensate. Will report back if it continues happening.

Edit 1: I can still reproduce it. :frowning: I think higher mouse DPI just makes it easier to reproduce; low mouse DPI + high mouse sensitivity gives the same result. So the issue isnā€™t DPI per se; itā€™s that some of us who prefer to have higher mouse sensitivity through whatever means are impacted by this.

Edit 2: I had a theory based on the above that high DPI and mouse sensitivity actually have nothing to do with this bug, other than that they make it easier to reproduce. I tested this just now by turning my DPI and mouse sensitivity in windows down to almost their minimums. It now takes me lifting my mouse up off my mouse pad multiple times and setting it back down for me to move my mouse cursor across the screen.

After doing this, I restarted WoW, verified the issue was not occurring on startup (as usual). I made sure that lock-to-window was turned in in WoW for the cursor. Then I held down right click and continually moved my mouse to the left, lifting it up and setting it back down as needed in order to do this. I released it periodically to see whether the issue had re-occurred.

It took ~1-2 minutes of playing with this, but eventually, one time when I released my right mouse button, the in-game mouse cursor was all the way to the left side of the game window.

I restarted and tested it again. This time I moved my mouse to the left five times. Enough to get it all the way to the edge of the window, if I hadnā€™t been holding down my mouse cursor, but not much more. The second time I released my right mouse button, my mouse was once again all the way to the left. I brought my mouse cursor back to the center of the screen, held down right click, and boom, there was the four-arrow button.

This doesnā€™t seem to have anything to do with mouse sensitivity or DPI, at least for me.


Iā€™ve had the same problem for about a month. Woke up after a Tuesday maintenance and there it was. I didnā€™t change a thing. Today, Sunday, April 23, 2023 I rebooted my computer 8 TIMES ! Due to this problem. Everytime I step away from the game briefly, I mean 1-2 minutes, I come back and there it is, AGAIN! Never ingame for me. So, this evening when I decided, God forbid, to get something to eat I thought, well, I better log off so I donā€™t get the dreaded 4 prong cursor. Logged back on, same character, took one step forward in game, and there it was, AGAIN!! I have tried your suggestions as have so many others and to no avail. It would be really nice if you guys would take this seriously and fix it! PLEASE!


Seriously Disgruntled

It is non-stop today. I have logged in and out of the game a half dozen times, and within a few minutes it is back. I have stopped mythic+ because itā€™s too easy to lose track of my mouse.

I posted earlier in this thread a few times, just wanted to say that this is still routinely happening to me, on every character, as soon as I log on. Sometimes it doesnā€™t happen, but thatā€™s pretty rare. Itā€™s still pretty much constantly occurring. So itā€™s now a couple of months since this started.

I too have had this happen to me periodically over the last week or so. Today, the first time it had happened was when I picked up my weekly feast quest. No way to get it gone except to restart my PC.

Been experiencing this for months. How many people are just quietly quitting over this? Please resolve, no issues in any other games.

The issue continues for me as well. I have tried disabling my 2nd monitor along with all the other suggestions here to no avail. Getting very frustrated with this.

This used to happen to me few times a day. It stopped happening after I uninstalled Logitech Options and Logitech Unifying software. Itā€™s been more than 3 weeks since.

I have found, as someone has suggested, that right clicking the wowclassic.exe file in the classic folder, going to properties, then under compatibility checking Run this program as an administrator, has completely stopped the issue for me.

I have been having this issue for many months now and I was surprised that this worked. One thing to note is the wowclassic.exe somehow unchecked the run as administrator option on its own at some point and I had to reenable it once the issue started reoccurring.

This worked for about a week for me. Then it started happening again.

Quick update: I just updated my computer from Windows 10 to Windows 11. No change in the problem; the four-way arrow cursor still appears.

I can reproduce it every single time. Doesnā€™t matter if you are holding the right or left button down. When you spin around, If the mouse cursor hits the border of the screen or where it would appear to be, the cursor changes.

This would explain why it more often happens to me in mythics, as the movement can be more pronounced at times.


Higher DPI, in a way, makes sense. Based on what Iā€™m seeing, if the cursor ā€œhits the side of the screen or runs off screen,ā€ the issue happens. With higher DPI, you are more likely to move the cursor to extremes. Lower DPI would allow for more controlled panning of the screen. I play lower around 1450 but still have issues in most all dungeons.

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That doesnā€™t reproduce the issue for me unfortunately.

I have a razer mouse, RTX 4090 on the most recent driver, Windows 10, and Iā€™ve just installed the game and created a new game account to play with a friend on EU and this issue still happens for me. So its not a ā€œreset your settingsā€ issue. I donā€™t have any Razer or Logitech or other third party hardware support software installed.
I have the Wow.exe set to run as admin and that didnā€™t help.

I am running the game in borderless window mode at 3440x1440 with 2 1080 monitors to either side.

Hopefully someone can find a fix for this. It is incredibly annoying to have to move the mouse to look, then have your mouse insanely out of position when you complete the movement, or even worse its off the game window entirely.

I also run ultrawide, however I only have 1 monitor on top so your results may be different, after running the game as administrator I have not had this issue happen since, been testing for 3 weeks now. Try this:

  1. find Wow.exe or Wowclassic.exe in your retail or classic folder
  2. right click - properties
  3. in compatibility tab select Run this program as administrator
    Launch game normally through launcher.

Thank you, but I am running it as admin. still happens occasionally.
I have noticed its most likely to occur if I click outside the game window unintentionally. How the game knows I clicked outside intentionally or not is beyond meā€¦

This has been happening to me as well.

Iā€™ll get a screenshot the next time it happens.
Iā€™m unable to recreate the issue on cue.
I canā€™t play the game in Fullscreen mode, thereā€™s only Windowed or ā€œWindowed Fullscreenā€.
I have three monitors, but I had been playing for months before it started. Then a patch came out and it started. Then it went away for a few weeks. Now it has started again.
Iā€™ve tried ā€œLock the Cursor to Windowā€ as part of my troubleshooting, and it happened again.

Windows 10 with nVidia RTX 22070 if that helps with anything.

So far, the only way to fix (for a very short time) is to ā€œrestartā€ WoW, logging out and back in doesnā€™t do anything.

Iā€™m trying the ā€œRun as Adminā€ thing to see if that works.