Mouse spinning uncontrollably

I have done everything in every single thread… every support ticket… everything.

My mouse spins out of control, hundreds of rotations around my character in a split second snapping up and down and everywhere. I literally cannot play the game in any fashion.

I have tried…

  • new mouse
  • /console rawMouseEnable 0/1
  • compatibility settings in the .exe in the wow folder
  • matching resolutions
  • changing hz
  • switching from windowed to non windowed
  • i dont have a nvidia driver to stop
  • my mouse doesnt have hardware to change polling rate
  • uninstalled and reinstalled wow several times
  • reset wow’s hardware acceletation option under the launcher settings

please… i cannot even play the game, but every other game works immaculately but wow has changed something and i can’t play anymore

i’m using a microsoft precision mouse and a Quadro P5000 card if that means anything…


i have now also done the “run in windows 7 compatibility mode”

another thing is that no matter where i turn my mouse it ONLY spins in one direction, wether i move my mouse left or right it spins infinitely in one direction.

also… up and down snaps instantly to up/down and only goes topside viewing down when i basically throw my mouse in that direction

also as an edit to above
/console rawMouseEnable 1 completely disables my camera from moving anywhere it doesnt lower any sensitivity

again… no other problems on any other games i play.

this is absolutely insane, it happened randomly as i logged in one day and i have no idea whats going on, i changed nothing in my system at all

I, too, am baffled. I have tried most all of the things Hivrei listed at the top of the thread. About the only thing remaining is to set Polling @ 125. I’m using a brand new Logitech G502 Hero and it seems that Logitech is as poor at Customer Service as Blizzard. They closed their call line at 12 PST today—on a Wednesday! I tried to make an email submission but the ‘form’ refused my System Summary and Direct files for being of the “wrong type” with no explanation, that I could find, as to which types are acceptable.

After spending the last 24 hr researching this problem and trying the suggested fixes I have come to some conlusions:

  1. There’s nothing a player can do to fix this.
  2. The problem is systemic to the Patch and requires a Blizzard fix.
  3. The problem is widespread and seems to have started after the last big patch.
  4. Nobody has spoken of any sort of success with any of “fixes” posted anywhere.
  5. The game is virtually UNPLAYABLE when your character starts ‘spinning’ unpredictably more than a dozen times an hour.

I have been a WoW player since 8/13 and have played avidly.
I still have a character that my, now deceased, son sneaked into my account one Father’s Day [ IxLovexYouxDad ].

BUT, I am cancelling my subscription today.

Let’s be clear, however, that this is limited to a small number of systems, or else these boards would be flooded.

I play with a logitech G502 core, and experience none of the issues here. By the wording of your post, I could equally as well argue that

While this is a major issue for those of you impacted, I do not think it is as widespread as you make it out to be.

It is pretty widespread. It just started for me 2 days ago and when I posted in my guild discord, about 8 other people said they had the same issue and either still have it or it just went away eventually.

I think I found a weird fix for this. I noticed that the /console rawMouseEnable 0 worked for me while in WoW. However, when I clicked over to my second monitor and clicked back to WoW, the problem would come back. I made a macro with the console command and click that every time I come back from my second monitor and it seems to work for now. Also everyone in my guild who had this problem has 2 or 3 monitors, so I’m guessing this issue is with WoW running in the background maybe?


This has been happening to me since patch 11.1 came out. It ONLY happens in solo shuffle, nowhere else…

In 11.0, this has never happened

Did you try lowering your polling rate for your mouse?

in control panel < device manager < mouse and other pointing devices right click the mouse go down to properties and uninstall device it gets reinstalled when changing USB ports or restarting the computer (in my case it’s HID-compliant mouse) and see if there is any yellow triangles with a black ! or find the make and model of the mouse (mine is a E-Blue gaming mouse) and D/L the driver

Ok, I think I solved the problem.

I use the AutoHotKey application

I have some shortcut keys that I created, like these two here:

ALT + MouseWheelDown
ALT + MouseWheelUP

They go forward and backward respectively, in explorer.exe, browsers and other applications.

I don’t know what the hell was happening, but sometimes when I pressed alt+tab from wow <> windows then back to wow, there would be a wow bug with the camera spinning.

So in autohotkey I disabled this “hotkey” just for WOW.

For now it seems that I solved the problem, I’m doing more tests to be sure…

I would highly recommend disabling/closing out of Autohot Key while playing WoW. That is definitely a program that Warden can detect.