I fell asleep smelting 4000 thorium ores into bars in the old silithus, then when I woke up and updated my client, moving my mouse without pressing any buttons causes the camera to pan while moving my character with wasd/rebound strafe.
I tried logging out and in, this is still the case.
I tried changing camera settings from never follow to always follow, confirming, then changing it back, confirming, and nothing has changed.
I tried closing the client and opening it again, and again, while my character is moving, my mouse pans the camera even though my left mouse button is not down.
I waited 30 minutes before posting this, closing the client and opening it again, and again, while my character is moving, my camera pans with my mouse even though my left mouse is not pressed.
Please help!
This only occurs while my character is moving, while it is not moving I can pan fine, it only pans while my left mouse is down. But when I move it treats it though it’s down, it’s very uncomfortable.
And no, changing rawMouseEnable only fixes it for a bit then it reverts back to original behavior, its weird.