Mouse look macro

So I found a macro that toggles looking around as if I held down my right mouse button:
/run if IsMouselooking() then MouselookStop() else MouselookStart() end
Does anyone know of a similar macro that will do the same, but as if I held down my left mouse button? So my character’s current facing direction changes when I look around.

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Something like:

/run if IsMouselooking() then MouselookStop() else if GetMouseButtonClicked() == "LeftButton" then MouselookStart() end end

Only start looking on left mouse. Stop looking on right mouse.

If you are looking for something to aid with hand problems you might want to look into using the Move Pad (game menu/Interface/Accessibility/Show Move Pad).

This can be enhanced with Move Pad Plus to add MouseLook actions to the pad:

That macro doesn’t seem to do anything.

No hand issues here. I just like to heal with mouseover macros, which means constantly moving my mouse between my raid frames and the actual game area when I want to move my camera. I just wanted to be able to turn on looking with my mouse without moving from the raidframes.

I was able to do this with the macro I linked above and binding it to right click with clique and checking the box so it happens on key press. I’m pretty happy with how it works now, although if I could find a macro to look around without changing the way my character is facing (as if I was looking around while holding left click), that would be even better.

Actually scratch that, your macro does work but it’s not what I wanted. Thanks for trying though!

It seems what you are looking for is But this is restricted to be used by the Blizzard UI only. Don’t know if there is another way…