Mouse input lag

I Searched for this topic and saw one with no reply and closed so im bringing it up, Ive Uninstalled addons and curseforge, repaired wow through the client, cleared folders and the problem with moving and turning especially in raids is horrible. My mouse works fine for everything else besides WoW. Any Suggestions?

I believe there are mouse speed settings in the options menu , in the menu where you log out on the ?. Mine are set at maximum. Options/controls I think

are you talking about the launcher?

are you using a laptop or a desktop PC?

if it is a laptop (or perhaps even with a desktop), then it could possibly be that the mouse is overheating.

gaming laptops generate alot of heat (even under normal conditions) and the mouse is usually held nearby the vent fans, so that hot air goes straight to the mouse.

i’ve recently found this is the cause of my mouse issues that are similar to yours.

I got a better cooling pad for the laptop, there’s no more hot air blowing on the mouse and it works perfectly fine now.

also, this would explain why you experience this mouse issue only when WoW is running - when WoW runs, your computer gets hot - if WoW isn’t running, then your computer’s load is alot less and doesnt run as hot, so there would be no heat on the mouse.

perhaps the issue could be the same for desktop if it is generating heat near the mouse.

I use a laptop, it’s slowly been returned to normal, so it’s definitely a lot better now. so.
I know people will tell me oh it’s your mouse or it’s got nothing to do with anyone else but me… but I’m not an idiot. Please don’t insult my intelligence. lolz and no I didn’t just disrespect you so don’t take what I said the wrong way. I did specify People as in the Group of people that would tell me that. and if that’s you well uhm okay and moving on.
Good day Case closed.

And Thank you for your affirmations Much Appreciated!

No the in game escape menu options tab
And its interesting to say I insulted you when i was trying to help you , but its ok that I replied ?

The escape menu options tab has a mouse speed setting .

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