Mouse Input Closing the Chat Input Window

When I play, my basic movements is done with W,A, and D, along with using my mouse to turn as well as strafe while holding down A or D. my Q, E, and S key are keybinds for actual abilities. The point of this movement scheme is to enable fast spinning around of the camera, which is extremely useful in PvP, and Dungeon and Raids. Also I’ve trained myself to never backpedal as its slower than strafing and it helps avoid getting dazed (something I picked from watching Swifty’s PvP videos). I also will sometimes press both LMB and RMB to run while I chat so I can multitask.

tl;dr how I move around ingame (relevant to this bug)

Point is, this system allows me to stay mobile even while casting or more importantly, CHATTING while mid combat.

So recently, I’ve found that the chat input box will randomly close if I do any mouse input. I thought this was related to the “chat style” option in the social options (made me think of Facebook’s chat system on posts), but switching styles as no effect on the chat input box behavior. As far as I can tell, this has been in issue only since BFA.

This issue can easily be reproduced, by opening the chat input box (default key is enter) and press the LMB or RMB either by themselves or together and you’ll see the chat input box just close. This is not how it normally functions, they mouse should no effect on the chat input box unless you choose to move the typing cursor or highlight words in side the chat input box.

This is particularly damaging for PvP, and mythic dungeons as well as normal+ raids. The need to quickly communicate when someone either doesn’t have a microphone or a means to otherwise vocally communicate is vital to one’s success. Right now, I’m forced to basically stand still when I need to chat, which is a death sentence in PvP.

If you go here;

Paste this into the box;

And download that and put it in your addon folder, that will revert the changes.