Mouse Click Cursor not disappearing

When I left/right click anywhere the cursor doesn’t disapear.Left/right click does work as I can click on anything in game and when I left/right-click-drag it disappears and camera moves.
I have tried:

  1. Renameing interface folder(to disable all chances of addons loading)
  2. Running the Scan and Repair In bnet
  3. Doing 2&3 same time
  4. Doing all the above also on the beta client(whch does this now)
  5. Disabling both discord/ geforce overlays
    Beta&Retail broken, classic working
    Also on beta I tried deleting Cache/Interface/WTF as well I Have basically tried everything but re-installing the game which would seem like it would be unnecessary with the scan & repair option.
    Doesn’t break anything but just weird, is this just how the cursor works now?

I am afraid this might be the way the cursor functions now. It feels horrible but multiple posts across all the beta/ptr forums prompted no response from Blizzard. I don’t think there is a solution unfortunately.


I found a solution, It arrives Nov 12th. tyvm Sony Ent. F.Y.B. I’m GAAAaaawn!!!

Yeah, the way blizzard ignores you has me seriously considering a year’s worth of chargebacks.


Bump. Was this ever solved?

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I’m having the same issue