Try reducing the polling rate to 125hz and let us know if it helps. Also try turning off Enhanced mouse precision. Let us know if any of it helps.
This issue is not fixed by troubleshooting. Every single thing mentioned in this thread has been tried, as well as plenty not mentioned, and is very hit or miss. At worst, all that is accomplished are false reports of it working successfully.
This has happened recently on BFA last patch, but they have resolved it. But the issue IS here on Classic. It cannot be resolved by troubleshooting, once again.
After unchecking the ‘Max Foreground’ (but leaving ‘Max Background’) FPS, the probably appears to be gone.
Settings: Windowed (Borderless)
Active Programs: Nvidia ShadowPlay
Mouse: Logitech G700s @ 4800 DPI; Report Rate @ 500 per second
Hope this helps, because jeeesssuuus, that was annoying.
Going to give this a shot. Nothing else suggested here has worked for me.
The opposite of this is what worked for me. I have Foreground checked and Background unchecked.
Hmm, maybe it has something to do with how they enforce ‘fps limiters’.
I had foreground set to 120 fps (my monitor is 120hz) and 45 fps for background. I wonder if the client, for what ever reason, forgets what its status is (foreground/background). And that ‘flip-flopping’ causes the camera to go screwy.
this is an extremely long standing problem with world of warcraft. I can remember as far back as like Mist of Pandaria… maybe further.
/script SetCVar(“rawMouseEnable”, 1);
use this.
Same issue with the corsiar harpoon (wired) in fullscreen. will report back after trying some of the suggested fixes.
Update for me. Disabling the Max Foreground FPS limit seems to have fixed this for me.