Mounts that match your class

I know some people have favorite mounts, others match their mounts to their mogs.

So, aside from the obvious class and class hall mounts, if you had to match up a mount to your class, what would it be?

I know i’m on a Druid but playing my RShamn currently going to go with the Blue Proto-Drake. It just seems to match the lightning-esque feature of shamans :slight_smile:

Looks good with any of their water/blue style armor types as well :smiley:

i had an old panderan hunter named “bearception” bear hunter with bear hunter pet with bear mini pet riding a bear mount.


You sir. I like you

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The Storm-Eater full transformation would work even better.

Magic Rooster. Because I’m a fox and a hunter.

I see this and I’m like aww, lots of bears.

Then I see a Worgen hunter go by with a wolf pet, a wolf pokemon, on a wolf mount. Aww his own wolf pack!

Then I see an Orc hunter go by, with a boar pet, a Mr. Wiggles, riding a boar mount. OMG I think I’m a racist.


eh if you’ve thrown a golden banana then maybe

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Thats too much though.
I like more of the subtleties in these cases

i like lucid nightmare on spriest and either ascended skymane, maelie, or the bee on my hunter

The Leyfeather Hippogryph might as well be glued to my Night Elf Arcane Mage.

I use myself as a mount. I tried explaining it once at a family dinner but I don’t think Grandma understood. She kept saying “Ya need Jesus!” before she left in a huff.

Other than that, though, I use the Flameward Hippogryph on my Shaman and I think it fits well. It’s the only other one that comes to mind.

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This arcane mage rides the Hearthsteed mount.

Other than that, it’s mainly racial (human-swift palimino), race-themed (goblin-Dreadwake for the gold) and class mounts (warlock-dreadsteed)

Except my hunter, she rides Fiery Warhorse because I love that mount!

Aside from my order hall one there is the grand armored gryphon HD from Pandaria and Goldenmane from BFA.