I just had a thought that I think would be really cool for the game and also really helpful to the world as far as wildlife is concerned. There are many animals I could name but for this example I’m going to use wolves. There are many wolf mounts in this game and many wolf species in real life. Arctic and red wolves were some of the first mounts removed from the game that are actual real species. Why not put some form of them back in game with some item description about how to help save that species or what’s causing them to be endangered. (Not the originals so the collectors can maintain the rarity of the originals, if need be)

Im not particularly a fan of store mounts but you could even put real life endagered species in the game as store mounts then donate a percentage of the income off of those mounts or pets to an organization that is working to save the animal in real life.

It just makes me sad to see so many animals in this game and how people make money off of their likeness and image only to do nothing to help them actually survive in the real world. This really could make a big difference in helping bring awareness to endangered species and directly help their species survive. As red wolves being one of my favorite animals I would be ecstatic to see this implemented.

What do you guys think?


We could have maned wolf mounts, your character could touch the stratosphere upon leg leg leg legged steed!


You lose access to your pet when/if it leaves the endangered species list.


Sure the more the merrier, i think maned wolves are cool too lol

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I think supporting endangered specieis, conservation projects, and education is noble. I’d be OK with charity pets/mounts going on the store.


well they could do the mount version and if you buy/attain it, you could then receive a pet of the same species when/if it leaves the endangered list. Some reward for helping support it to that goal seems pretty cool.

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I love this idea :star_struck:

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thank you very much

I say put them back so long as they’re locked behind a difficulty that is equal to or greater than original.

This includes things like the Hand Stamp for Brewfest, etc. Put them back and let people earn them. Not everyone who’s playing the game today was alive back then.

well i mean the arctic wolf and the red wolf, they were the original epic riding mounts for orcs with no armor. After the next patch they added the wolves with armor and arctic and red were no longer a choice.