Mounts keep getting stuck to static flying

Since the release of static flying and skyriding, I’ve noticed that pretty often when I mount up on the jeweled onyx panther, something happens where my mount won’t fly unless I double tap the space bar, and then it jumps into static flying even though I have skyriding enabled. If I don’t double take the space bar, the mount wont fly at all. This has lead to me accidentally leaping and falling off of cliffs on multiple occasions, or getting stuck on the ground so the player can get away when I’m trying to chase someone in world PVP. All of the buttons like Skyward Ascent appear on my bar but none of them are useable, as they all give the error message “You can only do this while midair.” The only fix that I have found is dismounting and remounting, but this seems to only have a 50% chance of working


Almost every other time I mount up with Skyriding enabled this is happening to me. I can’t use Static Flying, but trying to use any Skyriding ability will trigger, “You can only do this while midair” message.

I have to dismount and remount to get Skyriding to work. Like you, I’ve died a few times by falling to my death while visually mounted on my dragon.


This is happening on my rogue, so i switched to my druid, and flight form is fine.

So I’m just gonna grind on my druid while they fix this.

This happens to my Druid, as well. Most often when exiting water.

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Fell to my death earlier mounting up and then jumping off a cliff only to find flying didn’t activate.

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ok this only happens on my main (rogue) no other class, weird.

I just started experiencing this only on my rogue.

I wasn’t previously experiencing it on my other characters.

I wonder if it’s when coming out of stealth and mounting?

Will have to test more.

EDIT: Seems to be related to mounting when stealthed. Just tested.

Just tried a “/cancelaura Stealth” in my mount macro and seems to have fixed it.

I imagine it would work for duid too. Blank spaces are for whatever mount you want. Unfortunately, can’t mount while stealthed with this of course.

#showtooltip _____
/cancelaura Stealth
/cast [nomounted,noflyable] ___________; [nomounted,flyable] _________


I had this happen last night on one of my rogues and also noticed it only happened when trying to mount up while in stealth. I just had to retrain myself from doing it, so thanks for your post!


Yeah, no problem. Hopefully they are aware of it now and fix it soon.

Can confirm that I have also been having this problem too and its annoying.

Didn’t know it was related to stealth.

You are the real MVP. This fixes that issue thanks!

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Hey, np. Glad I could help.

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