I was told you don’t get mounts at 20? only 40? also how mcuh does the training cost and how much does the mount itself cost? ty guys
also for shamans, should i even bother with a mount, as i have ghost wolf form? also what is movement speed in classic for ghost wolf form, ty guys!
Total cost for training and mount is 100 gold
Ultimately it’s up to you if you wanna buy a mount or not
Mounts are 40, and you’ll want to save up 100g. Kill and loot everything in your path. You might also consider looking into which spells you can skip at your trainer to save some gold, because training is spendy and it adds up quick.
You could skip it, but ghost wolf isn’t quite as fast as a mount if memory serves.
i could be completely wrong but i think wolf is 40% 1st mount is 60% and epic 100%
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Level 40 is Standard Mount. 20 Gold for Riding Skill, 80 Gold for the Mount.
Level 60 is Epic Mount. 1000 Gold for he Mount.
I can’t remember if the Mount costs are reduced by faction discount, but probably they are.
You’re definitely correct on the Standard/Epic Mount speeds.
As a Paladin I am glad I don’t need to worry about my level 40 mount. Level 60 though…
Ghost wolf is 40% speed at level 20. 60% speed mount at level 40. 100% speed at level 60.
Hmmm … nope. I was just there earlier today, bro. The skill is 20, the mount is 80.
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Thanks so much guys, i probably won’t buy a mount then till level 60 and with tons of gold… i mean if wolf gives 40% i’m only missing out on 30% so i think it’s better to save the gold incase of emergency, thanks again guys <3
Are you on a PvP server?
That 20% difference isn’t much until you try to run and people mount up and catch right up to you.
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Than yeah you should be fine otherwise!
For some reason i can’t click meeting stone to summon people at RFC, anyone know why/how to fix this? Ty
also, do warlcoks have summon ability in classic, or no? ty
Even as a shaman or druid, you’re going to want the extra speed of a mount sooner or later.
Fyi, stones do not summon in classic. This was a crusade feature. Warlocks get summon at 20.
Gotchya ty, so meeting stone has no function?
In classic it had a LFG queue on it, but no one used it, as you had to run to the stone to queue. They just posted in chats instead.
Yeah I am on my warlock and I feel ya…
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