Mounts Dying

I’m not talking about world mounts or dungeon mounts. I’m talking about raid Achievement mounts. Meaning you have to complete X number of quests within a raid to obtain it. They are 100% drop rate, if you complete the chain.

I get overly excited when I finally see that 1% mount drop.

Ok, so not the same thing then. Thanks for clarifying! Achievements are something I don’t have an opinion on. I find the whole system to be pointless really.

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That’s my point lol… It is seemingly pointless as it is.


And that is where you argument falls apart.


They do have mounts that are only available when the content is current.

They also alter the drop rate on a lot of them, making them 1% or less once they instances they are in become old content.

Then why do you care?


Okay I’ll just quit then. Going back for old content when I’ve got nothing else to do in current content is part of the appeal for me. Take that away and I can just pick PUBG back up. No loss to me.

I really don’t understand these people who want to control how other people play the game. Why don’t you just mind your own business?


Just Nope , the moment this hellish idea gets in game , watch the subs diminish so hard , forget most people subbed year round even in content drought …

Looks like you’re looking to feel special inside a video game , exactly the type of player WoW DOES NOT NEED .

The answer you’re looking for is Gladiator Mounts … go do those and leave the casual content alone …


dont say this too loud or they’ll start throwing better things in the cash shop

Since you’re pretty new, mounts aren’t really a form of prestige. Some appearances, a lot of titles are. When it comes to prestigious mounts, the avenues are there. Start PvPing, those are mounts that matter.

One of the reasons you might feel this way is habituation.

We are now, what, seven expansions in?
You have now likely looted 200+ mounts.
Eventually you have experience a “mount drop” so many times it becomes normal.

I would love a good mount, I just don’t think its worth the time farming them.

People be farming 1 mount for years, wee bit crazy imo.

I believe the word you’re referring to is “Feats of Strength”, which is different from normal achievements.

I thought this was a common gaming knowledge. The only games I’ve played are Warcraft 3, WoW, Starcraft, Brood War, Starcraft 2 and Dota, but I knew about the difference between those two.

Fiiiinee, tie every mount, transmog, profession and pretty much everything else in the game to current high end mythic raiding. That just gives me more reasons to quit, which is good.


No, they won’t.

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For me honestly it’s just become too much/many. Mounts to obtain that is. So my mentality shifted into what ones would I really like to obtain. There is odd ones that I have been grabbing for the sake of grabbing it is because I find them somewhat interesting.

I am not speaking for everyone. Probably a lot of people out there still that feel motivated to collect every single one still.

I know if I like a mount a lot. I would go out of my way for it. Now if it’s way too difficult for me and not realistic. Let’s say like someone mentioned a current/relevant Mythic raid drop. I will just have to be disappointed and not bother.

That is something reliant on a big group of people or just groups in general. So I kinda don’t like that. As that is a lot of busy work. Trying to find people that you are compatible with. Hopefully they are tolerable, hopefully they find me tolerable. (I’ve seen 98% of guilds break up overtime during my playtime in guilds.) Get good enough to get up to that difficulty. It is harder than it sounds. That is a lot to do just to even get an attempt to get the drop and yes it does suck if they make real neat mounts for that. I get why they do this and trying to motivate people. Still it can have a sting when you see a nice unique mount.

They don’t have to change this. I am not encouraging that. I’m just saying it’s over before it even begins. As long as they make other unique mounts to compensate. That’s all that really matter.

I do enjoy achievement mounts a lot. Like the raid ones and dungeon. More or less it’s usually because how fun it can be to obtain it. Like the actual achievement. Usually it is group dependent still, but people can be a bit more mellow. So it’s not for an achievement point, it’s for the fun factor.

Maybe it’s not just me and it has become too much to collect for a lot of people also. I mean we are up to what like 600 mounts or so? I am not entirely sure. Anyways if they make them unique enough and not just for harder difficulty, I think people would still go out of the way to nab them up. Just doesn’t feel like as much excitement anymore. Just need to get the right ones in there.

Not true at all. Lock a mount behind current end game content and I’ll either buy a carry if I really want it or I just won’t get it.


My answer would be self satisfaction. You know you got it while current.
Mu question is, what else am I supposed to do when bored with current content? Farm mounts or go play another game. (Of course other things but you get the point)

who tf cares?

i think it’s blizzard puting too much emphasis on mounts, and not enough on say… titles, achievements, fancy mogs, that sort of crap. mounts are nice, i just want more armors… which SL seems to be givin me. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I Still like collecting mounts, granted there are those that I want more then some others.