Mounted combat

You know how the devs are, though.

“It’s a very important part of the world of warcraft that players need to weigh carefully whether to engage in a fight in the first place. Being able to fight while mounted, and thus rapidly escape if they made a bad decision, would make engaging in combat less engaging.”

As if running away from anything on foot wasn’t already super easy (which it is).

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Yeah, anything that could mean work for them, even if it’s cool, they usually don’t do.

What I hate is that the framework is there. They’ve already done some of the legwork.

In WoD we could mount in combat in Nagrand. It was very cool.
In Legion, Paladin and DK has mounted combat anywhere on the isles on a long CD.

I just want them to bring it back again. Even if we don’t get speed over 30%; just for RP!

There’s also the possibility of running into the ‘Druid problem’ where Warriors will look at Paladins and go ‘well why can’t I mount and use my big dumb 2H?’ Then DKs will look over and ask ‘hey, what about me’? And then Shamans pipe up with ‘But my Farseer cosplay!’

I mean, I’m suggesting it for most classes. Including DK and Shaman. I’m thinking about the units from WC3 that have mounted combat.

Warrior and Rogue, definitely wouldn’t get it because they have Charge / Leap, and Stealth. There’s also no WC3 mounted Warrior or Rogue.

Why not though? Charging knights are very much a thing, and they were in WC2, and they weren’t Paladins. Rogues could do horseback stuff too, no reason they couldn’t.

Hunters, too. Mount up, ride away, pew pew. Even Mages, remember Archimondias? Or however you spelled The Blizzard Machine’s name?

Isn’t a WoW knight a paladin?

Yeah, Hunters definitely. They came to mind first. Mages, sure. But Paladin, DK, Hunter and Shaman first.

Not by default. You needed to upgrade them from Knights first. Paladin was basically an upgrade to Warrior.

Also, don’t forget Priests, they need mounts.

I think Tyrande is the only mounted priest and she plays more like a hunter. She’s her own thing.

But come to think of it, we could just have a whole new class just balanced around that. Just need some sort of mounted combat as part of a spec’s kit in WOW, at least for RP.

Also, Warlocks have a claim to mounts as well, as WC2 had horse-mounted undead mages(?). I don’t think they were DKs, might have been Necromancer+, but it’s been a hot second and I didn’t play Horde in the RTS games.

Honestly, no class in this game would be excluded from having a mounted combatant claim.

well, sure. Mounts for everyone! As long as it cost a bunch of points, which would make you lose DPS or other type of utility, not a lot of people would take it.

Or, better yet, maybe just make it an out-world specific thing like in WoD or Legion, so there’s no balance issues with raids or PvP. Just more permanent than the WoD or Legion version.

We’re about to have an entire expansion based on dragon RIDING. let me ride said dragons to battle, or at least a puny horse.

Well, then there’s another problem with the idea; if no one’s taking the talent, should it exist?

WoW in its current state is woefully unprepared for mounted combat, and I don’t see how that changes in the near future without massive changes coming to the gameplay. I think the better option is, again, to incorporate the mount into skills and abilities.

if it’s only for world content, then it shouldn’t be a talent.

Whatever the case… I’d love to have some version of it.

Neto-matic has destroyed many attempts at escape, for what it is worth. I wouldn’t anticipate mounted combat in this game, it simply isn’t designed or built around the philosophy of having to weave in “light” or “heavy” attacks. It would destabilize the game with its current build.

That is called vehicle mounting ,it would be interesting to do in an instance but open world fighting on a mount is difficult due limits Blizzard would put into them,it is better to just hit it with your abilities than the mounts ,They haven’t made an instance where your can you’re mounted doing you abilities ,Yet.

In the long run, they may try to do so in flight soon,but who would want to fight every cottoned picking thing in the world we really don’t have the time for that.

Yes, they have for all classes. Nagrand, and that tiny corner in Stormheim. You literally just fight on top of a mount using your skills. The mount has one extra ability depending on what mount it is.

DK’s should have a mounted form in dungeons/raids for sure!

Said dungeon mount would have to be a skeletal warhorse of some kind ofc! :nerd_face:

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This quest would work so much better with the dragonriding flight model.

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I love the idea of mounted cobat so good. Have like regular world pvp where you get dismounted when attacked and take a certain amount of damage or whatever. Love this idea.

go hang out in WoD nagrand, that was the zones whole gimmick.

it felt… clunky.