Mountain Thane SMF Fury Warrior


Bring back Annihilator as a choice node with Raging Blow.

Swap locations of Improved Execute and Improved Raging Blow.

Have Improved Raging Blow share a choice node with Improved Bloodthirst, reducing its cooldown by 1.5 seconds.

Adjust Critical Thinking to apply to Execute instead of Raging Blow.

Adjust Bloodcraze so that Bloodthirst increases the crit chance of Bloodthirst.

Adjust SMF to increase your damage done by 15% while dual-wielding 1h weapons.

Adjust Slaughtering Strikes so that Raging Blow increases Rampage damage by 20% and Annihilator increases Rampage damage by 5%, both stacking up to 100%.

Mountain Thane

Adjust Lightning Strikes to trigger from Bloodthirst instead of Raging Blow.

Adjust Avatar of the Storm to also allow you to cast Thunder Blast during Bladestorm.