Mountain O' Mounts Achievement - How does it work?

On my main character it shows my progress at 57/100. However, if I go to collections, it shows that I’ve collected 103 total mounts. So will this be updated in Cataclysm to track for all mounts collected per account? Or will it continue to track only mounts per character? Or is it just bugged until Cataclysm comes out?

It’s 100 mounts collected by one character, not spread across your entire account.

the achievement itself goes by how many mounts you have that can be used by a single individual.

so like if you are an undead and have all the horde racial mounts, you will also have all the alliance racial mounts but they will not count for the achievement on your undead since it can’t use them. same thing with profession and lock/pally mounts, they will be counted in the mount tab but will only count for the achievement on a character that has the profession or is that class.

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