u gotta bffr here, so i have to buy TWO things of mountain dew just for both mount variation? i wish they were obtainable in other ways, bc mountain dew is disgusting
if its only 2 then ill be giving some away for sure I plan on buying 50+ boxes of the gamefuel flavor soda like i do every year bc i love the flavor
well uhave to buy the red if u want the red motorcycle and the purple one if u want the purple bike.
i am not a fan of soda. i bought the worm candy since— over the course of ten days— SO and I could whittle down the bag but soda? nah dude
well ill be giving Red one away then for sure and for purple well ill miss out on
i don’t drink soda, i think it’s disgusting. It’s too much for me personally. but damn, idk what to do with two cases. maybe ill convince a friend to buy another one and give me one
has a RELEASE date been said yet by the way
Meanwhile, both it and the Trolli promotion have been US only.
So us players from elsewhere don’t even have the chance to participate.
does VPN’s not work for these?
Given we can’t purchase the products without importing them from the US or finding a local company that imports them and then sells them at exorbitant prices, even getting to the point of trying to access the website requires passing barriers.
Depending on how the MD promo works, I might end up getting some for people outside the US. I did it with the Trolli.
It hasn’t released yet so I have no idea how easy it will be. The trolli one was a pain, their website and support are terrible.
Theres moutain dew mountw agian cool when?
So what is this about this drink and wow. I tried to search on internet but they just talk about possible partnership
Hmm… Judging by the colors of the mounts, I think the main takeaway here is that warlocks are powered by Mountain Dew. Which I, as a warlock, can confirm.
sad part is i only like the red flavor so ill miss out on purple unless i buy just 1 box to get the purple bike
Wow so they want us to buy cancerous , full of sugar drink just to get a mount?
Make some friends by giving away the cans after the promo? Or enemies, I suppose depending on how Mountain Dew is received.
And also can lead to tooth decay called Mountain Dew mouth.
Between the candy and soda promos I’m waiting for the promotion with a toothpaste company.
still think they shoudla went with coffee