Why do so many people make this about the soda? it was never about that it was a about the fact that for 12 packs is roughly 28 to $30 the expansion is.
You could have literally bought the four 12 packs and dump them down the drain and still come out much cheaper. Stop making this about the soda it’s not.
Like I said above I bought the mount by buying 3 20 oz bottles at my local grocery store I didn’t drink any of it I poured it down the drain. I didn’t care about it I saw it as buying the mount and throwing away some soda
Just saying if you buy the xpac base edition for $50 and buy a month of gametime, that’s $65. If you factor in $28 worth of mountain dew you’re at $93, vs $90 for the epic edition (which includes all that already). The big difference of course is you get the mountain dew… but suggesting to pour it out because it’s such a better deal is silly.
I’m gonna skip the mount considering it’s a [I think] land mount, I prefer Skyriding. That leaves 1,700 points. I wasn’t sure if I want the tabards or belt. So, that leaves 800 for the two robot pets.
Never like sodas, but Blackberry+Citrus or Cherry+Citrus sounds interesting. I ain’t buying 8 doritos bags.
Edit: Forgot to mention, are the pets giftable or sellable? Don’t look at me like that…
4 12 packs, off sale is about $20-$25. We have Pepsi sales here all the time 3 for 10 or 4 for 10. With Thanksgiving coming up, soda will go onsale again and 4 for $10 is a steal. Something to drink for the next 4 months, and some points. I’m in.