Mountain Dew Promotion = Cheap Epic Edition

12 pack of the new flavor is 1k points if you buy 4k points worth you can get the epic edition much cheaper.

Going for my price at my store it would be 26 bucks +tax for 4 packs of the new flavor

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currently by me its $40/44 plus tax for 4 twelve packs

Still cheaper than the 90.00 for the epic edition.

I don’t drink/eat that stuff myself, but I’ve got a big Thanksgiving thing going on in a few weeks, so I’m probably going to buy a bunch of stuff and donate it to that event. I offered to bring chips and drinks anyway lol.


Yeah but you’re not factoring in the included gametime for the $90 and you’re not subtracting the $50 it would cost to buy the base xpac. So really this is just a message for people who never plan to buy the xpac.

plus, you get all the Mt. Dew!

this is the way

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6 bags of doritos and the bike is mine!


It’ll prolly be a week or 2 before the stock rotates at my supermarket. so i’ll be waiting, and give the stuff away after i try it.

Albertsons is selling Pepsi products (Mtn Dew) 12 packs buy 2 get 2 free right now.

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more importantly do they have a zero sugar version? yes I know aspartame will kill you


i need to know

You can check the link in my original post and it shows you all the items and how many points they are worth

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I was just there. I spent $180. I want the code for the 20 pack of chicken thighs I bought.

BTW…Wegmans is amazing!

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No, Game Fuel has never had sugar free versions.

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Again check the link they do have some zero sugar options it doesn’t just have to be game Fuel

Heck given bags of Doritos count

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I’ve been seeing companies use natural stuff for sweetener lately. I think the coconut lime Vitamin water does? Some others I’ve noticed are making the change. I try to stay away from sugar drinks.

Fair, but the Game Fuel ones give the most points.

Actually no the Walmart exclusive flavor shark bite gives the same amount of points.

So does the Kroger grocery store/Circle K option of Purple Thunder

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As far as toxins, even water has microplastics in it that’ll kill you. A can of aspartame sweetened soda from time to time isn’t going to noticeably advance your inevitable demise.

The calories in the regular sugar ones though have a much more immediate effect.

Right now my vice is caffeine. You know how they measure blood sugar in A1C? Well they should do the same for me in caffeine.

I can’t live without it :frowning:

Yea wegmans is amazing but can be pricey.