I have more mounts than I know what to do with tbh
Just a fyi I requested an undelete of a character and customer service did it for me. He probably still exists.
time lost proto.
that one seems too daunting for me to even attempt.
I have been playing since beta
I don’t know everything about the game and I can admit that, when a player has cool looking gloves, I look it up. Also, I doubt you know about all the content in wow.
You are being dull for no reason, but its ok carry on.
have a nice day
Ok, so I feel like you’re making assumptions about how I play so I will clarify things for you
I don’t transmog, ever, I’m not wasting gold on it only to have to do it when I get my next upgrade.
I only use specific mounts that are useful. Mammoth to repair, Bruto for AH, Sky-Golem on Herbers and Headless Horseman as my default. I don’t switch (unless Blizz changes mount animations )
I don’t use toys that aren’t useful and all the useful ones (to me) I have favorited
I don’t care about battle pets outside of achievements or collecting and I never pull them out “just cause it’s cute”
If there’s something I don’t know I’ll be SHOCKED, not to imply I know “everything” I just know all the “content” that exists (RP, M+, Raids, etc)
I’m assuming that by dull you mean boring and aren’t being insulting and mean dimwitted so I shall continue to be myself. As I said I know what I like and it is highly unlikely there’s anything to do in wow that I don’t know about.
You too.
The nature moose from the end of WoD. I wish I’d bothered to get that one.
I really hate that SL Glad mounts are the maw dragons… I really want one. But it will never happen : / I really loved the design of these. But they couldn’t even make one a Mythic Raid drop i could farm next xpac or after. And the one i used to be really Jealous of is the Hellfire Citadel mount. Though i just got it. So im happy now, except the SL maw dragon mount still makes me sad.
I’d really like to have the nice version of the Mechagon monocycle.
My main is an engineer. I like engineer-y mounts.
Back in TBC I saw a player ride one and kicked myself for not joining WoW before it and the Palomino were removed. (I’m able to take some comfort in at least getting the Swift Zulian Panther since also missing out on the original NE’s black Panther mount.)
Looks like someone came in here just to troll.
There’s unarmored equivalents for all prior gladiator mounts with the possible exception of the “new” proto drakes they made in battle for azeroth. Not outside the realm of possibility that they put the maw beasts in eventually.
The Brontosaurus, not only because I want a mobile, on demand Ah, but because I love his running animation.
I don’t get jealous of other people’s mounts. If a mount is available and I want it, I fixate it until I get it. If it’s not available I am unconcerned, as well as unimpressed by people who try too hard to make it seem like owning pixels in a videogame matters. These are the people who are going to push EFT’s into videogames.
Don’t worry, they’ll probably add in an unarmored re-color of them next expac.
It’d be cool if they did an armored, vicious war version.
I would even take a plain jane one w/o the ahs.
Mostly different gladiator mounts are what I’m jealous of. All of the Legion drakes are great, the s3 WoD gronn was great, the s11 and s12 mounts were some of my favorite before they added unarmored versions and removed some of the uniqueness. Even the TBC drakes as old as they are are still really cool.
Can’t think of any PvE mounts that appeal to me tbh, or at least any of them that wouldn’t be a lot easier to get than a gladiator mount if I did want it.
Trial of the crusader mounts where no one died x 2.
Well I would say not just by looking at other players but talking to those players about whatever it is. But yes you can learn all that by Googling it too.
I personally ask people questions either in person or in trade chat…. So they can Google it for me
The swift zulian tiger. i never got it.