Mount you're most jealous of?

What mount are you most jealous of other folks owning, that you don’t own?

For me, it’s that Raven mount Rogues get. I don’t find rogue as a class I enjoy playing, so it won’t ever be one I get to rock out on. That, or that ridiculously expensive rooster mount.


Invincible. I farmed the hell out of it back in that day with a rotation of alts using a lockout and the lfg tool. Never got it.

But I do have other rare mounts, like the love rocket and emerald drake. So you win some you lose some.


This is the only one I am jealous of… but only 7 years until they release a version of it as part of the Lunar series lol.



The colorful aotc birdy from legion. Was wondering if I should of bought carry but for some ego reason told myself that if I didn’t earn it… I didn’t want it as a carry lol


Green raptor bird fel talon

I will never own that mount because i don’t know how to even get that many mounts for the achievement

I love it so much


Time walking drake. I’ve seen it drop 1 single time in probably over 1000 time walking boss kills.


If they released a non-flying, Rhode Island Red re-color of it in the cash shop, I’d buy that thing up in a heart beat.


I really like the Vicious War Raptor… low key one of the cooler looking Horde Mounts, and it has a super unique-model. I think the colors blend with it very nicely. Always a pleasure to see one on the battlefield/in the world!

Idk, I’ve always felt that Horde got some of the best mounts!

Is that one really that rare?

Hrm…maybe I should make a matching transmog for it…

Probably Invincible, I have over 500 attempts, maybe close to 1000 I think? And never seen it once, my irl friend logged in one day because he was bored, ran ICC, it dropped and unsubbed mid-Nathria tier. I do have a decent collection, so I can’t be too mad though


The vicious saddle mounts from pvp. They all look fantastic. I can’t really be too jealous tho as I’m not much of a pvper so it’s on me.


As someone who doesn’t PvP much, they are pretty easy to earn. You just gotta win some 1400 games. Pretty easy to progress.


timewalking dragon and KR mount

Ty for the vote of confidence. Maybe I’ll give it a shot.


Infinite Timereaver. I love drakes and I think this is the only one I don’t have outside of pvp.


Aye, I want that one pretty badly. The one time I saw it drop it was for a newbie who had no idea what she had. She didnt even know what a mount tab was.

The ultimate mount for me is Attumen The huntsman’s mount from the original Kara. Been farming that for almost a decade now.


You can be jealous!

But I am jelly of your rocket I can’t ever seem to get. So evens out.

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Rivendare Death charger. I had it on a human DK during wrath and deleted him at some point and haven’t seen it drop for anyone in my groups ever since.


Go solo it dude. 10 runs an hour.

I’ve tried that but RNG has scorned me.

For now I’ll have to be happy with one of the other undead horse mounts.

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