You however forgot to “pop” your collar after.
Yes they did! I completely forgot about that because when I grinded a few it was still 1400. They’re pretty easy to farm too, just have to put some time into it. That is the kind of grind I really like in WoW, it felt meaningful when I got my first one lol
You’ll probably hate me, but I got the Thundering Onyx Serpent in under 20 pulls for Huolon.
I feel the same way you do Tovi…its not our fault…they always kept claiming it wasn’t happening at all…even though we knew it was and would report it.
I got that mount the first time going after him on opening day of TI…the next day it dropped again and I was able to sell it cause they had made a mistake on labeling it …two days later they fixed that mistake…I made 50K that day LOL.
Hey, I remember reading this comment when I was out shopping.
When I got home, I saw that this mount is available on the BMAH on the Bleeding Hollow server RIGHT NOW (it’s at “long,” 2-12 hours remaining). Its bid is currently 100k so it’s pretty reasonably priced.
I really hope you read this message before the auction goes away, because, as the years go on, that price will only increase, imo.
Good luck internet stranger!
Ha thanks!
So, you did just come in here to troll. Gotcha.
That is one mount I would love to have in my vast collection. Another mount I would love to obtain is Galleon’s Saddle from the Galleon world boss located in the Valley of the Four Winds in Pandaria!
I really feel like the MoP World Boss mounts are true unicorns.
No problem! I was in your shoes a little while ago.
I had taken a break toward the end of MoP because my mom had just died, so I missed out on the Corehound mount. It became available in the BMAH later on and I had to dump a million gold to pick it up, but I was grateful for the opportunity.
Ashes of Al’ar. 7 years and going…
Paying a million gold was less painful then earning it for free.
The only one mount I truly really hanker for is the Love Rocket…one year when they lowered lvl to go in I was running 35 toons a day trying that year for it…sigh…
Bah I don’t see it, it’s good to know thats an option. Never used the BMAH for anything before!
Invincible. It just won’t drop.
Oh? was the event that bad?
You didn’t see it on the Bleeding Hollow server? That’s odd.
mimiron’s head. the mechanics for the yogg saren fight are broken now and make it impossible to complete.
- Hours.
8 Hours in Molten Core.