Mount suggestions

You can ride on their backs tho :stuck_out_tongue:

That requires having more than one druid friend x_x

Why more than one?

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One drood can’t be everywhere at once!

Challenge accepted!

/Turns into swarm “drood” from D&D

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A lion mount, so the horde can have it( pretty fair since alliance can get the scorpions)

An undead wolf, cause im tired of horses, and my orc dk would rock with a undead armored wolf

A black protodrake, because reasons

but why would horde ride the literal symbol of the alliance

You shoulda been a raider in Wrath :frowning: Naxxramas gave out a black proto-drake for one of its meta-achieves, think it was 10 man? I think it may be on the BMAH from time to time though. Or the plagued one. Can’t recall.

By the same reason the alliance ride one of the symbols of the horde… wolves, they even had a race based on wolves :thinking:

Well, those things should not be monopolized, lions are cool mounts too.

and i like lions

xiiii, blizzard don’t need to remember

and it is the plagued one.

the black one is a dream of mine, and sadly they got shifted for the rust and iron version.

As my bee wish has been answered, I’d also love to see:

-Rabbit mounts. Hop into battle on the majestic war bunny! :rabbit2:

-Snakes. Because everything is better with snakes.

-New water walking mounts. I’m not fond of that Aqua Strider, we need new ones.

-Lizard mounts. Surprising there aren’t any of these yet. Like the warp stalkers as an example of what I mean, just classic giant lizards that aren’t dinosaurs.

That sounds pretty self explanatory to me, what better way to peeve the Alliance than to defile their symbols by riding them. I still recall the threads not long ago about Night Elves upset Horde got the new Nightsabers.