Mount speed is being calculated incorrectly with the post-WoD method

That’s a weird way of justifying a completely unnecessary change.

If it doesn’t mean anything to you, cool. Different people get a kick out of different things in this game. I enjoy healing and think it’s by far the most interesting role, while many of my friends find it mind-numbingly dull. I also made a Paladin as my first alt in TBC almost purely because I thought riding across Nagrand with Crusader Aura on was the coolest thing ever.

Essentially it boils down to this: if I have a trinket that says it will make my mount go 3% faster, I want it to actually make my mount go 3% faster than it was going before I equipped it. Not 1.5%.

It’s not as noticeable in Classic right now since mount speed buffs are pretty limited, but I’d like to see it fixed anyway - if Classic ever goes on to TBC, the differences will become much more apparent.

So we should just accept a bugged and different game than what we were promised? Things like this add up, small bugs like this in the aggregate can really change the flow of the game. Imagine 1,000 small quirky bugs like this. You don’t think that would have a sizable impact on the game? And this is just one relatively minor bug. There are countless game-defining bugs in the game right now.

This is probably going to affect your pvp set bonus which is also supposed to be multiplicative.

Oof you’re right. Inc another druid bug

bump with some info i found

Ok so I did some deeper digging.

You’re right for the part regarding cheetah, for now.

The PVP set isn’t out yet, and for some reason we don’t have a beta to test it. BUT here’s where the concern comes in.

Current mount speed calculations are incorrect. They are only boosting speed by 9% totaling 209% on an epic mount. This is incorrect.

Confirmed on Thottbot: web._archive._org/web/20060428103436/_thottbot._com/?sp=13947

What the previous post (and those above it which are also written in mathematical terms) is trying to say is that the 3 modifers of 3% increase to mount speed are cumulative. Meaning each one increases your speed by 3% of what your current speed already is, regardless of what other modifiers are present.
160% x 3% = 164%
164% x 3% = 168%
168% x 3% = 174%

Likewise, 200% x 9% = 218%

I have tried all three on mount and epic mount.
This are the results.
Gloves 2%
carrot 3%
Spurs 4%

riding speed mount 160%
epic mount 200%

equipt all 3 is 2+3+4= 9%
used on mount it is 9%x1,6= 14,4%
In Titan bar you see 160%+14,4%= 175%

used on epic it is 9%x2,0= 18%
In Titan bar you see 200%+18%= 218%
(ps sometimes i see 219%)

So as we see, the game is incorrectly calculating boosts multiplicatively. So when the PVP set is added, that 15% increase will almost certainly be 140% + 15% = 155% which is incorrect. The correct speed would be

1.4 * 1.15 = 161%

This is also confirmed by:


Enchant + PvP Set* = Travel form 161%

So no. Mount speed is confirmed incorrect. And because of this, we can infer that the PVP set bonus increase will also be incorrect.

However, I can admit I’m wrong on FS and minor speed stacking w travel or cat

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Bumping in the vague hope that this might one day get fixed.


I am starting to think that Blizzard no longer fixes bugs… =(

They fixed a random small bug that was causing eye of kilrogg aggro to transfer to the caster when it died.

Only took them several months, lol.

ROFL, maybe there is hope this game will play correctly a year or so AFTER naxx goes live…

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Hopeful bump


Still not fixed.

please fix :frowning: thanks.

kinda gamebreaking…

Bump after almost a year of not being fixed for my homies who still play

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can we get at least a reply from the dev team or something?
I mean it’s been 7 months

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Bump for this

If you pay a subscription don’t you still play? You need sub to post…lol

Though this isn’t as big of a deal in classic right now when mount speed buffs are more limited, with BC as a strong possibility on the horizon, it would be great to get this fixed.

Here’s an interesting fact: under the current system if we get TBC, Paladins’ crusader aura will only be half as effective as it should be for epic ground mounts, and approximately 1/4 as effective as it should be for epic flying mounts!

Apparently not

imgur com/Uw9Ay9H

Does this problem also change how other speed bonuses are addded? Like boots speed enchanting and rocket boots, sprint mechanics and the like?