Mount riding method toggle - ground locking/flying/skyriding toggle on right click

So with the skyriding becoming an option in TWW, there’s many mounts (for instance unicorn mounts) that would be nice to be able to fix as ground mounts. I for one have a 3 mount buttons, ground, regular flying, and skyriding because each of them serve a purpose. For instance when I’m trying to get a grab bag from a lucritive spot I’d normally switch to normal flying. Ground mounts for me have a certain appeal too.

Would it be possible to add a toggle to a mount to fix it as ground? so instead of toggling between normal flying and skyriding, just add one more option for ground locked.

imagine having a macro that toggles mount travel type so you can right click the action button and it toggles the flight mode

I’m curios…why you just…I mean…don’t fly if you wanna use them as ground mount? Why you need to turn flight of completely when you don’t wanna use skyriding?