Mount Macro [nocombat] With A Spell @Mouseover

I need some help with this macro.

  • I want the macro to mount when out of combat
  • if I have a mouseover of a friendly target, and out of combat I don’t want to cast mount.
  • I only want to cast mount when I do not have a friendly target.

When I test this macro it casts mount in between casts, I want to optimize this macro to only cast mount when not mousing over a friendly.

/cast [@mouseover,help]Healing Wave
/use [nocombat] Corrupted Fire Hawk
/dismount [mounted]

Thank you.

Try putting the spell and the mount on the same line

/cast [@mouseover,help]Healing Wave; [nocombat] Corrupted Fire Hawk
/dismount [mounted]

Or if that doesn’t work

/cast [@mouseover,help]Healing Wave
/use [@mouseover,nohelp,nocombat] Corrupted Fire Hawk
/dismount [mounted]
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] Healing Wave; Corrupted Fire Hawk
/dismount [mounted]

WoW, that works 100% perfectly, zero flaws. Thanks.