Mount macro help please

I have been using the following macro to select a flying/ground mount for quite some time now and it has been working flawlessly… until now.

/cast [flyable, nomounted] Snowy Gryphon
/cast [noflyable, nomounted] Great Brewfest Kodo
/dismount [noflying, mounted]

When in Dalaran it will not select a ground mount. Its quite frustrating.

Anyone know how to make it select a ground mount when in Dal?

You can fly in Dalaran. You would need Lua code to select a ground mount there.

/run if GetZoneText() == “Dalaran” then CastSpellByName(“Great Brewfest Kodo”) elseif IsFlyableArea() then CastSpellByName(“Snowy Gryphon”) else CastSpellByName(“Great Brewfest Kodo”) end
Mounts are not considered protected spells, so that line of code works.

When in Dal you get dismounted? What do you mean you can fly?

/run if GetZoneText() == “Dalaran” then CastSpellByName(“Great Brewfest Kodo”) end
/cast [flyable, nomounted] Snowy Gryphon
/cast [noflyable, nomounted] Great Brewfest Kodo
/dismount [noflying, mounted]


I updated the Lua code. Just use that whole line of code as your macro, if it fits into 255 chars.

Dal is not correctly flagged as a noflyable zone, as it should be. They just dismount you and block flying mounts instead. Feels like a lazy fix.

/cast [noflyable][mod] Acherus Deathcharger; Turbo-Charged Flying Machine
/dismount [mounted,nomod]

This is mine, hold shift to force ground mount.

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Just brings up the error window :frowning:

You can also do something like: if IsSwimming() then CastSpellByName(“Sea Turtle”) end.
Well, what I wrote works in REtail and I’m not in class atm to debug it. sorry. I wrote my own addon summon addon, so I’m not just making stuff up lolz.

Would love your help when you have time if you know how to do this stuff.

If I can’t get it working will just have to cross fingers for the headless horseman mount :slight_smile:

My only classic character is lvl 16, so I have no way to debug the code in classic. I would recommend u download a mount addon that will likely have a workaround in it already.

Use this.
/cast [flyable, nomounted] Snowy Gryphon
/cast [nomounted] Great Brewfest Kodo
/dismount [mounted]

It tries the Gryphon first, if its flyable you will be already casting it and second line won’t work as your character is busy.
If its non-flyable and you are not already mounted the second line will work.
If you are in Dalaran, first line will fail even though it is flyable and second line will work.
If you are mounted in any case, it will dismount you.

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Just use
/Cast “flying mount”
/Cast “ground mount”

Done, it’ll automatically select which mount depending on area/zone

I use this, and in dal just press shift and the mount button
/use [mod:shift] Swift White Mechanostrider
/use [flyable]Snowy Gryphon; Swift White Mechanostrider

everywhere else it uses proper mount

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/cast flying mount
/cast ground mount

without any mods works just fine

Replace curly quotes with normal quotes.

/run if GetZoneText() == "Dalaran" then CastSpellByName("Swift Frostsaber") elseif IsFlyableArea() then CastSpellByName("Snowy Gryphon") else CastSpellByName("Swift Frostsaber") end

This works for me.

Addon: MountsJournal


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