Mount Ideas!

If there’s a suggestions forum I had a hard time finding it, so I’ll just post it here. I’ve got loads of ideas for some mounts I’d love to see added to the game, and I’m sure they’ve been suggested loads of times before but I am frankly shocked they aren’t in-game already since we have at least a few things that are similar…

Ground Mounts that can hold 4 passengers, like carriages and wagons! I’d love so much if I could have a whole 5-man party riding on the same wagon or carriage, especially if we could get multiple racial-themed ones like for orcs, humans, night elves, trolls, vulpera, etc. It wouldn’t add that much to the game but it’s not like passenger mounts that can hold more than two people are unheard of. The only awkwardness to it is figuring out how to have horses or alpacas or whatever pulling it and looking natural.

Rowboat, Raft and Canoe Mounts which can only traverse the surface of water, similarly could have passengers and allow fishing while mounted! Since any mount can run on water now fishing is the only thing I can come up with as to why this would be useful at all, but I still think it sounds really cool.

Mini Submarine Mounts which can only be used underwater, allows for underwater breathing and can hold a passenger or two! Especially if it has windows where you can see your characters looking out from. Both the gnomish and goblin varieties would be awesome! I don’t even care if it would be an engineer exclusive mount, I think this would be so cool! It would even motivate me to try engineering!

More Siege Weapon Mounts! The Meat Wagon is SO COOL, I’d love to have catapults, ballistas, tanks, drills, you name it! More diverse siege weapon mounts than just the meat wagon please! I don’t even care that they would have no gameplay reason to exist, they’re just so fun!


There’s a lot of great mounts already in the game, we just don’t have access to for Blizz Reasons.

1st on my list will always be the Jet Pack from Mechagon. Why on earth this wasn’t a craftable engineering mount in BFA is beyond my understanding. It’s literally perfect in every way to be made into a perma-mount and I’ve been wanting one in game for years and years. Part of me will always hate Blizzard for denying me a Jet Pack mount WHEN IT WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE GAME.

There are a number of Gnomish Bombers (planes) in-game. I want them all, but especially the modern purple/silver one.

Brann’s Flying Machine

Goblin Hot Rod in the goblin starting zone. Multi-person mount. Amazing. An absolute travesty that this isn’t available.

There’s hot air balloons in the game. Why don’t we have them?

All these deserts and no dune buggies?

I’d like some military-style vehicles, considering we’re all always at war.

The Rusty mechanocrawler does a super cool /mountspecial that should be it’s own mount and it isn’t. Not sure why.


I’m very curious to see how mounts like the Orgrimmar Interceptor and Flying Machine and stuff will eventually work with dynamic flight, because they are VERY different from dragons.

It always bothered me just a bit that those mounts in particular change their pitch when you fly up or down for example… That’s not how gravity would affect those kinds of flying contraptions!

I could easily see it working for a jetpack though!

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I believe Blizz said they’re going to be adding a customizable flying machine mount to War Within, at least I saw some concept art of it. I’m really excited for that.


I want boats. Actual, useable boats. Small ones, larger ships, canoes, galleons, etc. Gimme watercraft.


I know the meme of “horse mounts all the way down” and all, but if they just give us a High Def version of the Spectral Steed, I can die happy. And then haunt Duskwood from the afterlife in 4k.


I’ve been waiting for the Highmountain Eagle mount to be available since I first saw it. That’s probably my most wanted “in-game… but not for us” flying mount. The Alliance Knight’s Steed might be the ground mount I’d like to see the most. More bears would be fun, too. Oh! I’d love some additional options that thematically fit for this character, too.

Years later and I’m also still salty that the Iron Horde armored Elekk is Alliance only. It would be sooooo perfect for my Blackrock girl. :tired_face:


There are two mounts I’ve been wanting forever.

The Jetpack that we got from Mechagon content in BFA

And a ground mount of the character just absolutely sprinting.


I mostly focus on collecting dinosaur mounts, personally. Given that my main is a dinomancer and all. Two dinosaur mounts I would love to see added to the game are a miniature saurid mount like we see Azala riding and something like a Vicious War Devilsaur! I feel like if they ever add a devilsaur mount it should be really challenging to obtain because I wouldn’t really want to see everyone and their mom riding around on a T. rex, that thing should be special.

For aquatic mounts it’d be real nice if we could get a threshadon or that mosasaur thing druids can turn into. That mosasaur-looking thing from the Nazjatar raid would be an awesome aquatic mount too. And I’d really love to see like an ACTUAL sea turtle mount, not those old turtle mounts that are randomly called sea turtles, the fully aquatic sea turtles like what we saw in Vashj’ir. I donno, maybe I just like aquatic mounts more than a lot of other people, personally.

Would love to see more recolors of some of the more unique ones like brutosaurs that aren’t just green or skyscreamers that aren’t blue, too. NPCs get to ride them, why can’t we??? Give people the opportunity to get a brutosaur that isn’t necessarily the auction mount. I didn’t really like that they removed that to begin with, and that’s coming from one of the lucky ones who was able to get one!


I have a suggestion that’s more related to mount function.

We have the equptment slot, yes? Give us an item that allows us to lock-in a look on mounts that change when X happens.

For example, the mage order hall mount: give us an item that allows us to pick a look–something that stops the mount from being dependant on what spec. you’re currently in. Same goes for the Ancient mount: give us an item that allows us to stop it from changing looks with the change of seasons. Same goes for the warden mount; let me pick the look–divorce it from the day/night cycle via the use of this item I’m talking about.

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Oh! That reminds me! I would love to see the Warden Armor on just a regular nightsaber. I, personally, really do not care for glow on my mounts. Whether it be just the eyes (old “elite” mounts) or the whole thing (new Warden mount), it just does not vibe with preferred aesthetic.


40 players Naruto-running towards a World Boss will never not put a big, stupid smile on my face.


A separation of mounts and vehicles should take place. Vehicles should be “mount like” things which have a damage action attached to them. Like a tank, cannon skiff, or helo. However, these can only damage other vehicle operators. Not npcs or other players that are running by.

Mounts should just be character buffs that you don’t dismount from if you’re being attacked. All give speed increases, but attacking a mob from horse lets you stun them on first hit. Bears and similar size beasts absorb some damage, insect and reptiles also attack the mob for some minor damage.


Storm Area 52 yelling Leeroy Jenkins.


And just running circles around people at mach-3.

It might also make the Great Gnomeregan Run a bit faster to complete.

let demon hunters have a flying mount that’s just their wings.

please. thank you.