Mount ID Macro

Greetings! As of 11.0 my long time Mount Index macro that lets me mouseover and click a keybind on a mount in my journal to post it’s ID in chat stopped working. I’m now getting LUA errors. I use these IDs for a castrandom macro so each of my characters can have their own unique list of mounts.

Does anyone know of a new one, or how to fix this one:

/run local i,m=GetMouseFocus().index if i then m = {C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountInfo(GetMouseFocus().index)} print(m[1],"is mountID",m[12]) end
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If you get it working, I’d LOVE to get that macro from you. I can’t find anything about getting Mount ID’s for new stuff, like this months Trading Post. Thank you!

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I’d start by substituting GetMouseFocus() and see if that fixes things GetMouseFoci()[1]

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The other alternative is to install
It will give you the mount id. if you mouse is over the icon in the list as well as the ids for pretty much everything else with a tooltip

For the macro:

/run local t,i = GetMouseFoci()[1] if t.index then i={C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountInfo(t.index)} print(i[1], "is mountID", i[12]) end
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I had been using idtip as a backup. But the new macro you listed here works. Thanks!

Yup! Look above here, you’ll see the macro that gives you the mount ID when you mouseover a mount in your journal and hit the hotkey for the macro.

Then, use this macro to make a castrandom for a bunch of different types. I currently use one for flying and one for ground. Just replace the numbers with your own:

#showtooltip High Priest's Lightsworn Seeker
/run if IsMounted()then return end local t t={268,1428,305,549,183,478,1430,764,477,861,552,1594,1190,1313,1456,1662,978,187,2116} C_MountJournal.SummonByID(t[random(#t)])
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