I keep getting conflicting information from youtube guide videos as far as the difficulty settings and how many times per day or week you can farm dungeons and raids for mounts. Some videos say if you play on normal you can try 5 times a day, but only once a day on heroic or mythic. Other sources say you can only loot the boss once a week. I’m going for the Drakes from the Vortex Pinnacle and Throne of the four winds. I’ll be happy with either one.
Thanks for the help
Normal dungeons=no limit/day
Heroic dungeons=once a day
Mythic dungeons=weekly
Raids=Once/week (unless it’s an MoP or higher raid [roughly], which is once/week/difficulty)
Typically raid bosses can be looted once per week. Some newer raids allow once per difficulty.
Dungeon Bosses can be looted every run on Normal. Heroics will lock you out after the first run per day. Go back tomorrow. Mythic is probably the same way unless you have a key. Haven’t really tried it. There are no mythic dungeons in Cataclysm so it doesn’t matter.
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If you’re ever unsure you can press o, click on the raid tab, then click on raid info. All your lockouts should be there.
Also, what is that name? LMAO
There’s also an addon called SavedInstances that tracks lockouts across all of your toons.
I don’t know if it’s been answered here but you’re still semi-capped in Normal dungeons with the you’ve queued so many times error message. I don’t know the count if it’s number of runs or the hour. But Blizzard does not want you to spend so much time in a dungeon, you have to break it up. I get that message farming for transmog. I have to log another toon, or run another dungeon just to mix it up.
Technically it’s 10 runs per hour.
I would also add to your list that World Bosses are once per week per alt.
There’s also a lot of confusion about which bosses you can coin for an extra shot at the mount. I believe Sha of Anger and Nalak can be coined.
My grind in VP was doing normal 10 times, reloging on another alt and doing 10 more, then logging back to the first ad infinitum till it dropped. Why the relogging? Because I could grind out 10 runs in about 30 minutes and it would cap me on the hourly attempts. It helps to have a vendor mount handy for all the trash you’ll accumulate.
Throne of Four Winds being a raid means you can only do it once per week per alt.
To know the difficulty of the mount you’re after, check WoWhead. On the bottom where loot table listings are, it will tell you the exact difficulty.
If you have alts, try doing doing them on each one back to back.
Here’s the Throne of the Four Winds one (do this on all your alts once a week on 25m Heroic)
… and the Vortex Pinnacle one (you can keep running this one on Normal mode over and over again):
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Wowhead links aren’t usually blocked btw, but if you still have trouble, just enclose them in backticks. url
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Oh! I didn’t know that. Thank you! 
Check your social tab to see the lock outs on which raids/dugeons you did on each character.
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lol was about to say that.