Mount farming for a noob

I am fairly new to the game and 8.3 is really my first “expansion”. One thing I would really like to focus on is getting as many mounts as possible but I don’t have a lot of spare time like a lot of people.

I was hoping that there is some list out there that ranks easiest to get mounts to hardest to get mounts. Or something similar to that that is kind of a guide that tells you Like what zone the mounts are in, what area of the zone, percentage of drop, and how to farm it… or something like that.

Any help is appreciated, thank you.


This is tricky.

You need alot of alts to pull the slot machine for bosses/rares you’re trying to get the more you have = more chances.

Easiest I would say rep those are 100% and only cost gold but rep consumes time and like you said you don’t have too much to spare… it’s a bit awkward to suggest something when you don’t have too much free time.

I probably shouldn’t have said that. I do have a lot of playtime but I don’t want to spend all of my playtime farming mounts. So I would like to logon have some sort of list each day or each week that I can kind of check the boxes that I attempted them and have to wait for reset or something like that. I don’t know how it really works but I know that I would love to have a huge collection of amounts. I hope that makes more sense

well first you have to make yourself a list of what are your goals… then how are you going to get them done.

If you want to collect mounts you have to get minimum 10+ (I would say 15 minimum but might be a bit too excesive for a starter) characters in order to get yourself started, if you don’t want to create alts best way is just to farm rep for mounts then eventually you will create alts at some point…


This guide is really well done and is your best bet atm :slight_smile:


I mean sure, you can link any guide but every collector knows that having 1 character wont cut it.

In order to create a route for yourself is which expansion you want to get them first and work around that.

But of course there’s no efficient way to farm mounts/toys when RNG is the critical factor. Only having alot of alts and brute force yourself through raids is the way to somewhat fight RNG.

I’d probably get an add-on like Rarity.

If you’re serious about farming mounts, start making alts.
You’ll have more chances since majority of them are on a weekly lockout.
(But in the end, its all RNG of course.)
When you have lots of alts, the add-on Saved Instances will be a savior.

Other than that, Youtube videos are your friend.
Just search, easiest mounts wow, on Youtube. There are a bunch of videos which probably have what you want to know.
And if you want more in-depth information about the individual mounts, then go to Wowhead.

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Of course, but people have already mentioned that you would need alts to increase your chances of getting a mount drop and other useful pieces of information to help the OP. Linking a guide that states drop %s and other details is more useful than reiterating what others have said before ^ _ ^

I personally wouldnt guide through guides but that’s me.

I got all the mounts so far by myself and mostly by just being an altoholic by nature.

But by all means I hope the guide is useful for the OP.

There are some mounts you won’t be able to get without a guide.

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The Red Cloud Mount you get in Pandaria is one of the easiest ones to get, but it does require a bit of flying around. Definitely follow a guide, and at the very least a macro for coordinates. All you need to do is find scrolls, but it’s through the whole area.

For sure if you don’t dive yourself into the game but I did dive before without a guide.

You can deep dive all you want but if you don’t know spawn points and timers it is like you don’t have a chance for some of the rares.

you underestimate alot the bruteforce…

I’ve been camping without timers for years now but sure you can depend all you want on guides I will do things my way.

Also, might as well contribute to the newest collector with something else than just a “link” and move on, experience is important… not just a guide and move on.

Not really since I have farmed almost every mount out there. Some you really need a good game plan for.

Good for you then glad it worked out.

Mount collecting is my favorite hobby within a hobby.

I would recommend first focusing on the core faction ground mounts. They were always fairly easy to get but now you can just role an alt of that race and level him or her to 40 to get them.

Here is a link to my favorite mount resource site.

Good luck.

I agree. Mount farming is made much easier with an army of alts.

Most are low drop rates. The bfa world ones have decent rates, arathi darkshore specifically. If you are going for quantity you have to play the odds. For pandaria raids this means do heroic throne of thunder. 1 mount outside entrance, 2 from drops give you the best odds for that expansion.