Mount equipment *sigh*

That’d be fine with me as I only play one character, maintaining alts is moronic unless you’re in a guild that does split runs. I’d probably also be in the minority that actually had them and they’d be even rarer if you couldn’t farm them on multiple toons.

They did, yes.

But some still work… the speed potions (the new ones and old ones work the same), tomes that are used to change talents (at least the Legion one still worked in BFA the last time I tried to use one, they aren’t around much anymore), bags, the WW elixirs (which will probably be discontinued), gliders, etc.

They do this a lot, but not with everything. So we have no way of knowing for sure intil 9.0 starts at least Beta. But either way, they will be few and far between next expansion until either they are available again (if the current ones do end up BFA only) or very expensive because of the limited availability of old world mats until new ones are more readily available.

I don’t care, honestly. I won’t ever use anything but the floatie shoes and my trusty “no Water” Strider anyway. :slight_smile:

I’m so happy that you find millions of WoW players to be “morons”…

The vast majority of players have at least one alt, many have multiple alts, some of the same class even.

WOD… great, I am using the mount as a time saver

Legion omg - I am tired of looking at you.

BFA - meh, w/e…

TBH, glad other mounts will have the ability.

I wouldn’t disagree, I would say playing one toon to it’s fullest and clearing end game content worth more than having multiple and being stagnant in casual content. Obviously I said unless you’re in a top end guild doing split runs or a guild that needs you to reroll but if you give out gear to someone that doesn’t stick on one toon that’s a waste of resources/time/effort.

Maybe if the class design wasn’t dumpster tier, players wouldn’t need to play alts to maintain some level of fun. Especially when the raids are actually quite boring and M+ is a niche part of the game. Time trials haven’t been fun since Mariokart on SNES.

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It’s getting out of hand.

So go do a world quest gather a stack of herbs and call it a day. It sure beats whining here. This is the most asinine rant I have ever seen that isn’t from some sort of troll. In fact I’m not 100% convinced you’re not a troll.

Yeah skipping lfr/norm/heroic raid content by being half asleep through world quests/warfronts is idiotic.

They are liars and should be called on it. It’s actually impossible for something that not everyone has to be the only something that is used.

This is all to gate us further in the next expansion.

Pathfinder 0.5 - 6 months in: Do a bunch of stuff and get mount equipment active.
PF1 - 12 months in: Faster FPs/whistle (speed boost replaced by speed equipment)
PF2 18 months in: Flight

We’ve explained the issue with this every way possible. We’ve given the fair and easy answer to fix the entire issue.

Nothing that is said will change the opinions of the “blizzard can do no wrong” puppets, they only see what they’re told, like good little pets.

I want my AH mount equipment for 2500g blizz.

As I said before (and I’m expecting to lose TL3/forum access for pointing out):


(added feature to the game) sigh

I’m glad you’re sad, OP.

I hope you’re not serious right now

It does float. I slow boat across the harbor all the time. And I do mean slow-boat…but it is absolutely floating.

The real outrage should be about a boat that doesn’t float, what’s with that.

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(removes feature from the game and replaces with something you have to pay for) sigh

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It floats. It goes at normal swim speed, but it absolutely floats as long as you start out level.

If it was floating I’d be going 120% movement speed.

I never grinded that dumb rep, and I’m glad that I don’t have to now. As a bonus, the dumb ugly mount will now be a lot less prevalent. I’m happy.

So no wonder you’re not upset because you didn’t have to work for it to begin, with your opinion should be invalid.


Know what you’ll see now?

A lot more Angler’s rafts, since they don’t have as high a rep required to buy, still work as always as of a couple days ago on ptr, and all your alt needs is Pandaria fishing 1 to use it as it’s in the account-bound toy chest.

Funny thing is, the raft can actually travel FASTER than water-walking mounts, via spamming the space bar which increases its speed to a point.

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