Mount Equipment Is A Terrible Idea

Out gear or out level? Cuz most mobs that you are far more powerful then ignore you. Usally due to level difference. If the mob is of equal level regardless of item level should be able to hit you, there for daze you. Makes sense.

This is, again, exactly my problem. It is easy. It takes me mere seconds to right the problem once I have been dazed, it’s a merely momentary annoyance with no challenge in the slightest.

I would love it if the world were dangerous to traverse, there isn’t a day I don’t miss the wandering elites in Duskwood, they made the place feel alive. Random Wolf No. 593 dazing me on the way to my latest chore simply doesn’t, I’m sorry.

I get where you’re coming from, from a roleplay perspective, these beasties really should be a danger while we prance through the wilderness. But they’re not.


And as I said, annoyance is the middle ground. They can’t make it dangerous or people will ragequit when they die trying to run around. They can’t make inconsequential or next you’ll find they gate all mounts behind Pathfinder. Annoyance is what we got. The in-between.

It’s like this in a few MMORPGs and I think it’s fine.

Then I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree, I find annoyance as a feature to be one of the worst things in games.

That’s not to say I should prance around everywhere undettered, I just don’t think a mechanic like dazing is the way to do it. Or was, given it’s been around so long.

I’ve never worked hard at leveling up and carefully selected the very best gear so that random mob can think that it’s a threat to me. Yet it does, and it can stop me in my tracks from across the map.

Pro tip for nubs:

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Making it more annoying will get people to purchase and change out mount equipment. They put money into creating this system. They have to show that people are using it. They only way they can do this is to make changes to how mobs respond to people passing by.

It would have been nice if they had put all this effort into the actual xpac instead of these types of things, but it appears they gave up on the xpac and are using it to create systems for the future.


It just frustrates me because there are so, so many more entertaining ways to get players to engage with their lovingly-crafted mobs.

Remember rares? Have more of them, make them actually rare instead of just WQ fodder. Mix them in amongst all the packs, have some rare, cool cosmetic drops from them. Give players a reason and a choice to stop and say “Hm, I might see if Grundarr the Dark-Hearted is here and get his Dark Heart.”

And bring back the chests. The one thing WoD did right was having hidden chests with cool goodies inside them - getting order resources is just bleh in comparison.

If they want us to engage with the world, they’re going about it in the absolute wrongest way possible. If anything I’m just going to choose to engage with the game less, in general.


Pfft, Mount Equipments is a terrible idea. Hurts Altaholics alot as well.

And on top of that, it is also giving the devs another excuse for class pruning, especially with the Water Walking DK’s/Shamans have.

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I have been leveling up a couple of toons and it is fun to come across a real rare and fight it! Remember when you’d have to camp them if you were looking for special items they dropped?

i agree with this as well. Having real treasure chests and achievements gave people a reason to go up a mountain or across a field. Now they aren’t even worth going for if you are standing next to it.

It was fun hunting treasures. I remember in MOP finding some with 100 gold in them and getting so excited at my find!

Mount equipment is a REALLY clumsy solution to a very minor problem - the overabundance of players running around on the same mount (ie the water strider).

A much better solution would be to have expanded the number of mounts that have water-walking. Not by a massive amount, but say 4-6 different mounts, all water-themed, that had water-walking. And all of them requiring a little bit of a grind to get.

And then you expand this system. Create 4-6 different mounts that have stun resistance. Then 4-6 different mounts with a bigger-than-usual jump. Then 4-6 different mounts that can be used in dungeons (so long as you’re not in combat). And so on, and so on. And all requiring a little grind to get.

There you go. Problem solved in a way that actually requires players to do stuff in game, rather than just show up to some vendor and fork over some gold.

I guess I’ll have to see, if any of the mount equipment is worth using (especially as a DK, with path of frost.)

Except large bodies of water right… just hop on that earned water walking mount and avoid all that annoyance of swimming and beasts within.

I’ve gotten knocked into the water quite a lot. :woman_shrugging:t2:

This is an artificial problem Blizzard created that no one else knew existed.

As per usual, Blizzard has chosen to ignore the thousands of posts worth of feedback.


NO. After X number of times killing those mobs they should learn to run the other way when they see me coming.

That or add the Spider and Brutosaur (BoE) to the random world mob loot table and you’ll never see a live mob again.

But I’m a ticked off bear 100 levels bigger than them… it’s not about armor, it’s about mobs that are level 10 thinking they can even take on a character multiple timelines of experience above them. It’s about handicapping us because they think we’re “playing wrong”.

If a level 20 can’t kill a level 120, a level 20 murloc should not be able to touch me, this is just another “slow down the player because EGO” play.

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But this is wrong even from a RP perspective. Animals run from Humans having learned that humans see them as food or competition. This includes even grizzly bears with the only exception being animals in close proximity to human garbage cans and without hunting pressure.

The same goes for intelligent races seeing the Champion of Legion/Destroyer of Worlds and running the other way tightly clutching their coin purses and shinies.

Pretty sure this is going to happen in 9.0 anyway.

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Honestly, daze isn’t that huge a deal unless you are just steam rolling thru packs of mobs. The part people should be concerned with is Blizzard desire to nerf any ability or feature that might lessen the value of the upcoming mount equipment.

I can’t wait for them to remove flight from all mounts and then give it back to us as another mount equipment item!

Be better at the game and don’t run through stuff?