Mount Equipment and Flying

Blizzard is hell bent on keeping players grounded for the first half of the expansion. This is mostly for the benefit of world pvp. There are several arguments around this but lets say that we confine ourselves to accepting this and just look at all the other missed opportunities Blizzard has to make movement more of an RPG again.

Mount Equipment - It is useful but it does not go far enough to help heal the divide between the flying and no flying crowd. The whole point of flying is to immerse the player in flight and get them to their destination a bit faster. What is missing in this conversation is WHY we want to get there faster. Aside from the goals of flying I want to look at the immersion of movement in general and compare it to other RPG games I have played.

First off riding a Horse, Dragon, Hippo all feel the same. They have the same speed and movement controls. None of them have any abilities. Mount equipment gives them useful passives but it does not go further. It makes movement stale and boring because no matter what I do the only thing that will get me off the horse is a mob attacking me or myself. Aside from that I can pretty much afk and play plants v zombies in 2019. Its not engaging.

Ground riding could be alot more engaging if it had more active abilities. Such as leap, glide, blink, climb, bury (to hide), rocket boost, etc but the current iteration of Mount Equipment does not allow it.

I propose improvements on ground mounts and movement in general for this game.

I have incredible amounts of fun in games that do not have flying because they incorporate having fun while moving into the game.

Nier Automata and many others have dash, glide, and 3 speeds of running based on how long you ran.

Metal Gear Solid 5 allows you to tap your horse to make it run a bit faster.

I think Guild Wars has a ground mount that can teleport a small distance up, and another that can climb mountains.

You see I think the flying debate would be different if mounts were more engaging to use and our input directly impacted the speed and efficiency of our travel. I think Mount Equipment might solve this if it gives an action button that would let us use a special mount ability. I also think it might be fun for world pvp.

Thanks thats my 2 cents.

Pretty interesting idea, though you would have to be careful that it doesn’t affect world pvp in a bad way

I think it’s mostly because they want players to see the world they worked on instead of flying over. Not sure they’re all that concern with world pvp.

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Maybe. I think they use that reason but it only goes so far. With the limited RPG elements of movement and the responses I have received from the anti flight crowd the main reason seams to ve World PvP issues with Flying. I think we would benefit greatly from an RPG, World PVP, and movement perspective by adding more actions while moving.

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Rocket shoes, makes the mount jump superhigh and slowfall until pathfinder 2, in which it allows ground mounts flight.

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Mounted combat would be awesome both in PvE and PvP.


I would love mounted combat. If we do have it it needs to be focused on the mounts movements and not giving the mount more abilities. Maybe a cool down for the mount that is a minute long when used in combat. Also the mount abilities would only involve movement. In general I think we need better mount abilities to make mount travel more exciting and engaging. Destiny 2 does not have flying but using that cool bike with the option to make it go faster, do flips, etc just gives me the RPG i crave for. Nothing about wow mounts aside from aesthetics take me away from this world. I would love to have add mount movement abilities on a low cooldown and maybe even add a little mini game for mount racing.

Action Buttons
It would be like Dash every 5 or 10 seconds.

Blink/Leap Mount would blink on a cd of 10 seconds.

Glide Mount -glides for 30 seconds

Climbing Mount - climbs for 30 seconds once the action is pressed

Imagine adding Rocket Shoes to your Mount. Or rocket shoe mount converters. So you still need to buy rocket shoes from engineers but you can use them while on your mount.

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Totally agree. The combat is by the player, no attack abilities to the mount.

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