Mount drop suggestion for Blizzard: Neltharaku

There is a gorgeous spirit-like drake that flies around Shadowmoon Valley, part of the questing there. If Blizzard wanted to provide a quite unique dragon skin mount for something like Timewalking week, might I suggest that lovely drake.

Wish I could post a direct image, but it looks like this:


Here you go!



Beat me to it. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Tbh I’m sad they never used the old drake models. They are so good.

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Oh neato!

I like that dragon!

Awesome suggestion Kneeshooter!


It’s very pretty, and i hope you guys get it some day, but all of my favorite mounts are small and quiet, i hate loud (both visually and audibly) mounts with big animations. I even dislike these new broom mounts because they sway so much lol

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It’s one of the original Aspect/mature dragon style models. He’s the leader of the Netherwing.

They’ve never used that one for mounts, just the younger drakes. Not sure why.


You’d hate me then :sweat_smile:

I’m the person stutter step mashing spacebar to make ravenlord endlessly caw.

Someones gotta do it :wink:

Aren’t there similar translucent ones in Netherstorm, though bluish-purple instead?

Well, i won’t hate you, but i won’t be near you for any length of time, i have little places in different cities where it’s very quiet and you rarely see other people lol

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Challenge accepted!

Yep. Just none used for mounts for some reason. I guess they didn’t want to shrink them that small? Or maybe they were just like, “A mature elderly dragon isn’t going to want to play chauffeur to a mortal.” They still seem to have this attitude in Waking Shores too.

Mortal bosses get to ride fully grown drakes.:disappointed:

That’s why we kill them! Pure jealousy. :grin:

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My fav are the MoP discs for those reasons.

But I just got the Soaring Spelltome, and I’m now using that - it fits the bill, and it’s an accomplishment. Perfect!

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